Smells like spring

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

Romulea ramiflora flower 7.jpg

Some of the earliest spring (or winter) flowers started to appear. I am not counting those that bloom almost all year round, also during winter.
Those were shot in mid February and their blooming time till be done soon when more flowers start to open.

Romulea ramiflora

Romulea ramiflora flower 1.jpg

Blooming time starts in late January and ends in March. The flowers are very small, just a few cm across and maybe 5 cm in height. The first time I found them, they were growing in more open space and they were even shorter. With all the grasses and needles they do stretch a bit.

Romulea ramiflora flower 9.jpg

The leaves are long, thin and blend with the surrounding grass very well. They will also die soon together with the fading flowers. The plant will go dormant for the rest of the year. The bulb hidden deep in the ground will stay alive though and with the net winter rains and cooler temperature it will wake up and start rowing.

Romulea ramiflora flower 2.jpg

Romulea ramiflora flower 3.jpg

Romulea ramiflora flower 4.jpg

Romulea ramiflora flower 5.jpg

Romulea ramiflora flower 6.jpg

Romulea ramiflora flower 8.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

separator flowers.jpg


I also took a picture of the flowers, I'm looking for their name and then I'll post a photo :-)

Try this site:
It is very helpful!

Very scientific approach of spring and beautifully captured, too :)

Thanks :) Do you have them there?

If we do, I haven't noticed them. It is the anemones that attract me the most during winter :)

oh wow, these kinds of flowers bring me good memories from my childhood, when I used to run around with my grandparents to catch the flowers and put then in vases later, beautiful photos

Awww I used to do that too.... we have a lot of fields around full of wildflowers in the summer. I would pick every possible weed :P

lovely photos as always. : ) Happy spring, it's flower hunting time isn't it?

Soon :) I was hoping to find a lot more different ones, but it is still a bit too early.

I love the little wild flowers that appear all over the ground, right before the regular grass turns green.

Yeaaa the little shy ones. The all the big ones take over.

Look at those petals, spring announcers?

Feb/March was always super exciting to me, as Galanthus nivalis start to appear under the icy layers, this year unfortunately caused by the climate change saw them shortly in early January and spring certainly was faaaaar away.

Ohhh Snowdrops! I always looked forward to them :)

The article is very interesting, you can count when they play, this is interesting info for everyone

Thank you!

What a pretty flower! In my house only the chamomile flower grows and I find it so beautiful ♥

They are very pretty too :) They grow here as well.