Hey everyone,
I actually managed to find some time and write about the mountain goats i encountered on several occasions in the Rocky Mountains.
First off: There are a couple well known locations where you can find mountain goats easily in Colorado. The animals you see there are used to human presence and are not shy at all.
Please be reminded that they are wild animals anyway, they might charge at any time when they feel threatened.
Please be respectful, keep your distance and PLEASE do not feed them!
Now let´s go:
In general, mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), aka Rocky Mountain goats, get to live for appr. 10-15 years, they grow up to 1m (good 3ft) shoulder height, reach a weight of up to 140kg (ca. 300lb) Both sexes have horns.
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🐐🐐🐐 More goats, that's all :)
Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
Great pictures and it was fun to learn about the mountain goat while seeing the pictures. Great post!
Stunning images. Their coats seem to be falling off lol. Loved that warning about being respectful and keeping your distance. Somehow people never seem to understand that wild animals are not pets.