Garden Safari

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Its time for another Garden Safari. I love doing these. It’s a chance to relax, to stop and think (or not think if you prefer). There is no travelling, and it doesn’t cost a penny A lot of people sit still in the great outdoors to practice ‘mindfulness’ but I do it while on the lookout for bugs!

Check out this post for a more detailed explanation of what a Garden Safari is, and why you should totally do one.

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So here we go. I'm comfortable, I have a drink within reach (other brands are available!) and my camera is ready...

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First up is this Garden Orb Weaver spider Araneus diadematus. We get loads of these in early autumn, and this is the first one I have seen this year... just goes to show how quick this year is going

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Next up is this Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae that I spotted feeding on the Buddleia plant opposite where I am sat

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Oddly, this is the only butterfly I can see at the moment, usually there are half a dozen different butterflies feeding on the flowers.

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Perhaps it is because of how warm it is. The thermometer shows 31.8C in the shade, it is HOT today. And its muggy and humid (with no thunderstorm in sight to 'clear' the air). Its bordering on unpleasant to be honest, and I'm sure the wildlife are choosing to shelter in the shade... perhaps its an idea for me to do the same.

Wait, what was that?!

A big wasp shaped insect landed on a flower nearby, but it didn't fly like a wasp should. I leapt up and grabbed a closer look. Its a Hoverfly, but one I hadn't seen before. I dashed inside to grab a net and pot for a closer inspection.

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Hoverfly - Volucella inanis

It was indeed a type of Hoverfly - Volucella inanis. It was also new to the Garden List which was very exciting, for me at least lol. I have mentioned elsewhere that I keep records and lists of all the wildlife I have seen here, its kinda like train spotting, but much more interesting haha!

The picture above isn't brilliant, but its enough to confirm the ID, and now I'm off to take some better pictures of her...

I wonder what I will see next week? And perhaps more importantly, will you join in with your own Garden Safari?

All photgraphs taken by @dannewton

All names confirmed and checked via Wikispieces


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I do find your collection of miniature friends quite inspiring! Our garden is a bit of a dump, neither of us being green fingered, but there is a sort of miniature nature reserve not far from us. I might try my luck there.

Beautiful images.

Thank you! I do aim to inspire people to get interested in intertebrates, there is quite literally a World of Wonder beneath our feet. I am useless in the garden (other than cutting the lawn or digging out the odd tree stump). My partner does most of the work picking out plants etc.

I do get to reap the rewards though! Nothing better than sitting out there in the late afternoon (or early morning) and listen to the birds and watch the butterflies :-)

Brilliant write up

Thank you Jackie, I have a tendency to waffle, so it takes a lot of effort to keep it concise and easy to read