cooberrie park and my story 200 words

in WE ARE MOVING10 months ago

this was tyler when he was the only kid and we did not meet frog yet tyler was into fortnight but i dont know if he still play it or not but this was at cooberrie park i hope it was a good place there was a talkking cockatoo there to i was lucky to see him and say hello


i loved cooberrie park when i got to hold the animals it was a fun day we got to spend time there with tyler and shannon and mum i wish frog could of been there with us but it was to late now it long gone now and there was kangaroos trying to steal the food out of the food bags there was dingo i think to hiding in the hole of there burrow i did not know about about blockchain back than i was doing gaming and stuff when it was 2015 i got into crypto and i earn 9000 to 10000 dollars in one blow i should of put it into a defi than i would of been able to buy something each day or each month if if i was lucky but i blow that thing now
