Nature Is Amazing But This Isn't Always A Blessing

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

In this hot summer, the problem of climate change is becoming more acute, more and more current. For a long time, the warnings of the specialists were ignored, out of distrust or stupidity. We now have proof that these warnings were legitimate.

Summer of fire, water, and wind!

This summer we have seen countless wildfires, from northern Siberia to southern Greece. Fires that did not forgive Turkey, but Italy in Greece was a disaster.

For many years I have seen on TV news information and images about the fires that often break out naturally in the southern part of Europe. It has always been said that it is something natural and normal, because of the high summer temperatures, close to 40 degrees Celsius, wind, and lack of precipitation.

Following this news, every year, I noticed something... the next year these natural phenomena were more, stronger, more devastating! Coming to what is happening this summer.

Entire islands engulfed in flames, fires in hundreds of locations throughout Greece. Fires are so large and widespread that they cannot be extinguished by firefighters, even if they are supported by aviation that throws water over the fire from above. You can best see in this video what this catastrophe means in this video.

Everything I have said and shown so far is known all over the world. I think you've all seen it on TV or social media and the internet. What we see now is without question the clearest proof that the climate on earth is warming and that this is the trend in the future. Worse, experts say that we humans can do nothing to prevent this. The only good thing about this is that we are informed of what will happen next and it will be possible to take measures to adapt to this new situation.

I am an admirer of Greece, I am in love with the nature and climate of Greece. I have always liked the Mediterranean climate, the people, the flora, and the fauna, the cuisine, which have led to a way of life that seems to me the most desirable in life. A lifestyle that has led to a great life expectancy of the inhabitants.









All these images show what the Mediterranean climate means. A wonderful climate where it is a pleasure to live, because of this Greece is invaded by tourists every summer. And yet...

I only went to Greece in September and it was still hot, with temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius. Friends who were in Greece in the middle of summer advised me not to do that too. For several years now, summers have become hotter and hotter.

Before I knew it and even after, the biggest regret I had was that my country, Romania, does not have this Mediterranean climate. Beyond the specific food, I was attracted to the flowers in Greece and I was very upset that I could not have those flowers that would not have withstood the harsh winters in my country.

Some of the flowers I admire in Greece ...





Flowers that grow all over the islands and it doesn't seem that anyone takes special care of them. However, they look impeccable and do not seem to be affected by the lack of water. In the three vacations I had in Thassos it never rained.

The desire to have these flowers at home made me buy some and try to grow them at home. The only problem was the winter. I had to grow the flowers in pots and take them home in the winter. It was quite difficult, because these flowers had a hard time in the winter, some even died. In the end I succeeded!

Plumbago auriculata or the flower of love.










In this way I managed to bring a little of the Mediterranean climate to my home. That's all I could do.

Recently, on August 9, the new UN report was published on how the climate will change in the coming years and decades. Reading this report I had a big, big surprise. My country, Romania, is in two climatic zones of Europe. The northern part of the country and up to the Carpathian mountains, is in the climatic zone of Western and Central Europe and the southern part of the country, from the Carpathian mountains to the Danube is in the Mediterranean climatic zone !!!

I live in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, which is 60 km from the Danube, in the Mediterranean climate zone! The dream I've had all my life has come true.

Another proof of the climate change that is happening now. Fifty years ago, when I was in high school, I learned that Romania's climate is Temperate-Continental. In less than fifty years the climate has changed into a Mediterranean climate! I can say that I was contemporary with a climate change. Phenomenal!

What characterizes this Mediterranean climate? Very hot summers and short winters and less and less cold. This is happening now in my country. Acclimatization of some plants in the warmer area, such as kiwi and pomegranate, has already begun.

I have to say again. The wish I had was fulfilled. Nature is amazing! But it's not always a blessing! With the transition to the Mediterranean climate, the phenomena we see in Greece will manifest in my country as well. First of all, vegetation fires.

So, as the saying goes, you have to take care of what you want!



Yes the fires are horrible this year! I have lived over half a century in a cold state. The winters in Michigan honestly feel endless. So I am fixing the idea of a move (before I die) to a warmer climate!!!

I am a huge fan of the plumbago and so glad that you are able to grow it there. I buy it and plant it here, One year it came back, but, most of the time, I buy it, knowing to treat it as an annual. Perhaps, with the warming winters, I will be able to have it grow into the next season. I never take my geraniums in anymore. They stay in the clay window pots, although I keep them on the porch.

Romania having a Mediterranean climate! I like the sound of that. Milder winters and all? That is a real plus for you! Bougainvillea is something I had at my house when I lived in Texas and a few other milder climate places. I had to vigorously chop it down as it grew too prolifically. I also had plumbago there too. They do love the warm, but, will tolerate cool. Texas gets cool (cold!) in the winter. I have a pomegranate bush (almost a tree really) at the Shore House. I got a mail-order years ago as they didn't sell them here, and it grew! My Norweigan neighbor, who should be a botanist, had grown one and I was envious! :) I say envious, but, I was amazed that it did so nicely here. Why didn't they sell them?

I do like oleander, but, when I bought a house that had them, I chopped them down. I had little kids and pets and they were poisonous to them, but, only if eaten. I think I was probably overprotective.

Prayers for the forest fires and may they all be extinguished before they cause any more harm. The food just reminds me how hungry I am and wish my breakfast looked like THAT!

I loved your post, all over again this morning. Always such a nice way to spend a few moments of time. Have a wonderful day, Dan! @bluemoon

I'm a plumbago fan too, I saw him for the first time in Thassos and I was excited. The one I have now was brought from Catania by a friend. I took good care of it all winter and now it is starting to bloom. I consider it a reward for me.

I'm glad you have all these Mediterranean plants (actually not all of them are Mediterranean but they grow very well in that climate). These flowers are a joy for all those who love flowers, and you are the first!

It reslly is beautiful! I have posted them before as i love their delicate demeanor. It is always exciting when something you have babied all winter comes to life!

Like my pomegranate!! I know the feeling!! It should be you time to sleep, I think! I bid you Good night!

Love those flowers photos!
The fire looked scary! We drove past a small forest fire once! I had to tell the driver to press on the pedal! Dried bamboo forests are very fuel for forest fire!

A forest fire is awful! I don't think it's wise to be around.

No! We were caught in between a bamboo forest fire on the mountain! Luckily the car could speed out of the area! Phew!!