Angolan reed frog Hyperolius parallelus Rákosnička angolská

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Jediná žába, kterou jsem v nekonečných bažinách řeky Okavango vyfotil. Zahlédli jsme jí z člunu a udělali z ní foto/video modelku. Vypadá to divné, u každého rybníka v Čechách zahlédnete žábu snadno. Na druhou stranu lézt do rákosí se v Okavangu prostě nedá, tam si velebí akorát místní hroši. Domorodci v kempu tvrdili, že každý rok někoho zabije krokodýl nebo uštkne černá mamba. Možná jen strašili turisty, ale krokodýli jsme viděli, mambu ne a moc po tom netoužím. Nejsem herpetolog.

The only frog I photographed in the endless swamps of the Okavango River. We saw her from the boat and turned her into a photo / video model. It looks strange, you can easily see a frog at every pond in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, it is simply not possible to climb the reeds in Okavang, where only local hippos praise themselves. The natives in the camp claimed that a crocodile kills someone or bites a black mamba every year. Maybe they were just scaring tourists, but we saw crocodiles, not mamba, and I don't really want that. I'm not a herpetologist.

La única rana que fotografié en los interminables pantanos del río Okavango. La vimos desde el barco y la convertimos en modelo de foto / video. Parece extraño, puedes ver fácilmente una rana en cada estanque de la República Checa. Por otro lado, simplemente no es posible escalar los juncos en el Okavang, donde solo los hipopótamos locales se elogian a sí mismos. Los nativos del campamento afirmaron que alguien era asesinado por un cocodrilo o mordido por una mamba negra todos los años. Tal vez solo estaban asustando a los turistas, pero vimos cocodrilos, no mamba, y realmente no quiero eso. No soy herpetólogo.
Okavango river, Botswana 10.3.2020

Fotografie jako důkaz. Zveřejňuji svá pozorování na Identifikace je potvrzena ostatními uživateli.
Photo as an evidence. I publish my observations on Identification is confirmed by other users.
Foto como prueba. Publico mis observaciones en Otros usuarios confirman la identificación.


What a beautiful little frog

I got a good chuckle with your line I'm not a herpetologist, I think you don't need to be to stay away from black mambas. 😂

I know a guy who would like to see black mamba for sure 😁 but he is not completely normal, he has his own ZOO 🤣

Mamba's are very interesting snakes, but I for one can not out run one of those guys, so that snake will not be on my to see list (other than in a zoo 😉)

Better not to find out if there were any mamba around. Nice frog!

wow the photographs are really amazing ❤️🙏

Wow 😱 1st picture is very interesting 😃😜

The leaf of reeds on which the frog sits is in the second picture on the far right.