I have asked our daughter to help me to do a quick update, that after 36 hours of battle through in ICU, according to my children, I am happy to say that my would is still fresh, but I passed through the hurdle.
Honestly I have no recollection what happened when my children told me that my surgeon and nurses had to pin me down due to a small "episode".
My daughter told me she asked around that if I did not remember anything of it, it is a good thing.
And I am glad God did not put any memory of that in me. Otherwise I would have been phobia to walk through the valley of shadows and death.
And I literally did.
Right now my doctor said I still need blood transfusion, because I have slight jaundice, and my son just called me that he couldn't come see me because he was blocked by the hospital security due to the fact he didn't have a "caretaker card", which is with my daughter now.
They were fine yesterday, and then we found out that there was an increase of COVID-19 infection after the reopening of businesses with Recovery Movement Control Order that they took out the original MCO notice and blocked everyone from visiting.
I am still under high risk. Most of us old folks in my floor are under high risk.
Nevertheless, I am happy I crossed it, and God answered my prayers.
God bless you all
Am glad all is well as can be now... Prayers for you and Rene...
Keep well, and speedy recovery! 🙏
Uncle, you look great! We are really glad that the first hurdle is over.
Do rest well and we are praying for your fast recovery
Best regards
Daily Bread Food Bank