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RE: What the hell, ya worthless bums!

in Anti-socialists5 years ago (edited)

dude Ik.
have you read my whole comment?

anarchocommunism are little decentralized communes and anarchocapitalism is about free market for me.
little decentralized communes don't need big markets - they just trade some stuff, they don't even need money.

but we are in the future dude. it's not just about survival anymore.
it's about technology, markets and wealth

anarcho-anything (idc if communism or capitalism) is always voluntary bro - not just anarchocommunism

crapitalism (what we have now) =/= capitalism bro


anarcho-anything (idc if communism or capitalism) is always voluntary bro

Tell it to the security guy when I walk out with my 'communist' goods.

As long as you use money to account for your labor, you are a slave of the person establishing how many goods your script can get in the company store.

We may subsist in small communities now, but when the moronic masses finally catch on, we will have technology, for free.

Your indoctrination is showing, now!
