The Daily Meme #142!

in Anti-socialists3 years ago

If this was easy, everybody would be doing it.


I've been here a long time.
My other account has a 5 digit number.
I am more hopeful today than when I first logged in with reddit credentials.

If they had had phone sign ups, I probably wouldn't be here.
As it was I had to login to reddit and beg a karma point before stinc would take me.
Luckily, I didn't lose all my keys before I got a lock on key security.

Be that as it may, the bad whales are mostly gone.
Now we have orcas that ride herd on us.
The crab bucket is functioning.
The ninjamined early adopters are not hogging it all as they once did.

In fact, if the remaining ones weren't showing restraint this show would be over by now.

Ned's kneecappening of us would have done more than just avoid api/rpc memory overload, it would have been the final nail in the coffin.

Lucky for us, those that control what is controlled are still stuck on us.
That may not always bee the case.

I think some appreciation is in order, once hf25 goes through.

Maybe a few of the louder mouths could sing some praises, instead of ridiculing the snot out of everything every day.
Day after day.

Or, not, up to you.

We are having a membership drive in these discords, tell your friends.
If you want a voice in the consensus join them, and be one.

Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.

Appeal blacklist flags here.

Get your flag reviewed for redemption.

Proof of Brain:
You know, what they sold us on to get us here.

Well informed newb friendly chat.

Hive Official:
Central focal point of much of the hive.
Building the holodeck in 3d VR.
Home to some of the dankest memes on the planet.

The Pulse:
Alternatives to the groupthinc.

Klye's server:
When your day just doesn't have enough Klye in it.

These are public rooms managed by private people for the benefit of everybody using this blockchain.
What they do is voluntary, but openly public.
Don't abuse their willingness to work for the collective for what little we give them, eh?
Without them, none of this exists.

When you go through these rooms catching up on 'the community', be sure to look for the detective, and add your detective, too!
