📷 Unexpected Road View

in Picture A Day7 months ago

This view is one of those that amazed me the most during my recent trips. From the road we could see only a small part of the pond and islets of green thickets, and it was very nice, but nothing extraordinary. We stopped here just on the way, for a couple of minutes - well, you know, to look around a little while not moving, quickly take a couple of photos.

But as soon as I raised the drone higher in the air... What a sight! "I will not leave until I take at least a few photos of this pond, and lake, and river" - I said, and disconnected from ground reality for about 25-30 minutes. I think it was worth it! :)

Later I will definitely show a few more photos of this place, from different angles, but for now I want to share this one as I like it very much.

It's better to watch the photo in high resolution.

This post is also an entry to the PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 83. Check out @photofeed for more information :)

Camera: DJI Mavic 3 Pro
Exposure time: 1/400 sec
Aperture: f/8
Sensitivity: ISO 100
Focal length: 12.29 mm
35 mm equivalent: 24 mm

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.


Завораживающее зрелище! Столько всего, столько красоты. Изумрудное озеро, заснеженные горы, просто шикарно👍

Даа, я обалдел, когда всё это увидел)
С заснеженными горами интересно ещё то, что они не выглядят очень высокими (так в целом и есть), а это был уже конец июня. Просто само плато - уже высокогорное, поэтому из-за совокупной высоты снег на них лежит долго.

Wow! God really has one good paintbrush. I love seeing posts like this, seeing the beauty of nature and not selfies someone put no effort into. Keep up the good work! 😌

“How did it get so late so soon?”

― Dr. Seuss.