Picture A Day - Fire jigglers

in Picture A Day4 years ago (edited)


Today's photo. It is not the 1st time I see this group of fire jigglers at my place. Seems they enjoyed giving performances here! (There is a students district not far away from this Subway entrance... Maybe, the public passing by here, is especially generous). Anyway - the fact is, they come back on and one, giving me the chances to take new takes and new captures. I clicked the shutter 6 times today, and this frame perhaps I like most all.

location: St.Petersburg, Russia April 2021 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 50 mm 1.4 raw-conv
f/2.5 t 1/100 ISO 200 ---

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Эффектное фото получилось

да, момент поймал - красивый ... нафотошопил немного драмы, но по мне так не особенно. не шедевр! не получается у меня сделать это красиво - не знаю как.
вот кстати оригинал без проявки рава:


Контрастно, живо. Норм!

пасиба! со стороны, наверное, виднее!

мне хотелось совсем уже шедевра.
завышенные требования, как у любого заказчика )))))

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 54 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow! I also love look at such girls here in Lviv.

It is mesmerizing! But hard to shoot a nice picture - it really dizzing my mind!
