Cuando nadie lo nota, se escapan de las vidrieras y se confunden con la gente por las calles.
Aquí los vemos interactuando con las personas.
Mannequins have a secret life.
When no one notices, they escape from the windows and mingle with people on the streets.
Here we see them interacting with people.
Creo que esperaban encontrar a las chicas de antaño de labios rojos.
Aquellas que descubrí en el barrio de San Telmo, en la lejana Buenos Aires: Chicas de antaño / Girls of yesteryear
I think they expected to find the red-lipped girls of yesteryear.
Those that I discovered in the San Telmo neighborhood, in distant Buenos Aires:
Chicas de antaño / Girls of yesteryear
"Crónicas de Ficciones Personales"
"Chronicles of Personal Fictions"
That's interesting but mannequins is incompetent to move with their own I guess.