illl Zil on the climb
3 days ago in Dagamers by m0rt0nmattd (56)
- Pending payout amount: $0.74
- Breakdown: 0.37 HBD, 0.64 HP
- dagamers: 10.00%
- Payout in 4 days
36 votes
- foreveraverage: $0.45
- shmoogleosukami: $0.15
- meno: $0.03
- helpie-caster: $0.02
- dagamers: $0.02
- alloyxuast: $0.01
- jlsplatts: $0.01
- slothlydoesit: $0.01
- voxmortis: $0.01
- camuel: $0.00
- helpie: $0.00
- niallon11: $0.00
- lillywilton: $0.00
- paulag: $0.00
- zipporah: $0.00
- viniciotricolor: $0.00
- bflanagin: $0.00
- calimeatwagon: $0.00
- socent: $0.00
- doomsdaychassis: $0.00
- and 16 more