The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Proof of Brain

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

The Absolute Beginners Guide to Proof of Brain

First you have to realize that because the blockchain backend :

  • Your single account will allow you to use many different websites (called 'front ends')
  • Your "keys" are like passwords.
  • Your content can be hidden by the Proof of Brain administrator but anyone running the right software will be able to read your content. And it is there forever
  • We at Proof of Brain are liberty minded people
  • When you "up-vote" content. This can result in a reward for the author.
  • If you lose your master password, there is no remedy for your account.
  • If you lose your Hive Keychain password, it's only a local account. Start again and your stuff on the blockchain will still be there. Just make sure you have your master password.
  • You can even get rewards for posting and voting.


  1. You should install the Hive KeyChain extension or Whale vault

  2. Go to and sign up for your account. Your username must be longer than two but not longer than 16 characters long. You may use hyphens, underscores, letters and digits but the first character must be a letter. All letters should be lowercase.


  1. The sign up process will supply with a master password and various keys. Backup your new "master password". Your master password will be really long and this password has to be. Save it to removable media and/or print as a QR code on paper. You will need this when you change browsers, or machines. You can save your private keys also but it is not strictly necessary.

  2. Choose a local computer password for the browser extension. This password must be at least 8 characters long. One capital letter. One lower case and one symbol. Nobody can brute-force this password remotely. That is, there is no opportunity to guess the password as they would need local access to your computer or some kind of remote login. Decide how much you trust you have for your device and choose a password accordingly.

  3. Register for HiveSigner. Add your master password from step 3, and enable encryption. For your encryption password type in the local computer password mentioned in step 4


  1. Open the Hive Keychain Extension and set your local password. Add your new account to Hive Keychain. Open Hive Keychain, click the three parallel lines and click "Add Account". Chose "Use Keys/PWD." Paste in your master password.




What are keys?

Keys are like passwords but trust less. Good servers do not get your keys for checking. Instead, keys prove your votes and posts are really from your account using advanced mathematics. Nobody has your private keys but you. The keys are created from the master password. So when you change that your keys change. If you type in your master password into a site, you are trusting the admin that they will use it responsibly. Good websites, will leave the master password on your browser and never download the keys for themselves. If you use one of the aforementioned extensions the sites will have no opportunity to download your passwords or keys.

The Proof of Brain Community

The author of the token aimed for POB to be the one with the most fair distribution.

In an effort to be as fair as possible, some criteria must be set to give everyone an equal opportunity to earn POB in the initial distributions.

See Ongoing Community Discussion Thread

Self-voting and Auto-voting

Voting on yourself is frowned apon. Whereas you have a small stake, those who read your posts may have large stakes. Don't self-vote. It looks bad on you if you do. Engage in content with replies of posts and write posts that you think others will like to read. Autovoting is okay as long as it not algorithmic.

The Proof of Brain token

The Proof of Brain token is a Bitcoin like token which has only begun to be produced. Proof of Brain tokens are being created at the same rate today as when Bitcoin started and as new users join these tokens will become more and more scarce. As time goes own these tokens will be produced at a slower rate. They will approach 21,000,0000 over one hundred years and then no new tokens will be produced.

Rewards are generated with curation and voting. The only POB that was not generated this way was 1 POB. The first one was required to get it started) There was no mining, and no ICO.

Proof of Brain community is for people.



The goal with is to have interesting, engaging content that people enjoy interacting with. As a human, what I find interesting is subjective, but I will make an effort to be as objective as possible.

Your original content could be anything from creative expression to technical analysis or anything in between.

Here are some topics that seem like obvious choices to my mind, but by no means are you limited to these:
Crypto – Bitcoin, Blockchain, Hive, Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, Tribes, PoW, PoB, POB
Life – Stories, TIL, Ideas, Projects, Hobbies, Travel
Current Events/News


Choosing Community

Post from the proof of brain interface at

Posting with Pictures

There are times when there are things in the photo that can distract the user. You can use GIMP to crop the image to the information you need.

Photos help bring attention of the reader to your post. You can use photos of your own creation, screen shots, or stock images. You can copy your images to the 'clipboard' in Linux or Windows, and paste them right in the editor. You can take photos and drag and drop them into the editor window.

Your images will appear with the code ![](image url) in the text. Your readers will only see the photo. You can later recycle generic photos by reusing codes like these. You might consider keeping a bank of often used image codes. Save the codes to a text file and you can reuse them.

Your Own Photos

Resize a copy of your photos down to 1024 pixels wide. Larger photos slow down the articles for loading for your readers and take up unnecessary space as monitors will probably not be able to show pictures that are larger in pixels.

Your Own Digital Art (Pictures)

Digital Drawings if your so inclined could also be used.

Screen Shots

Avoid posting personal information you don't want to reveal. Take limited screenshots (rather than the full screen if possible) and failing that remove things like bookmark names, email addresses, names of people who are not in the public eye that might be on your screen and are not the subject at hand.

Limited screenshots can be made with on Ubuntu and Mint with Accessories->Take Screenshot. You can use SHIFT+Print Screen on Mint Linux. On Windows, use Windows Key+Shift+S.

Stock Images

You can download and upload images from these sites below:


Some will take an image from another source and paste the link. Many sites do not allow or like hot linking. If you have already uploaded a photo somewhere else you can use links to inline images. Remember copyright of photos.

Use Headings and other formatting.

On a new line you can use "# " to create a heading. Put text between asterisks to italicize the text. You can use HTML entities by using & and semicolon:

  - a space which will not break on a new line
π - the pi symbol
μ - the mu symbol (micro metric prefix)

Adding Appropriate Tags

You can post in the Proof of Brain Community by opening Below each post, put a tag like #proofofbrain. Some general word tags related to the post you are writing and some that are very specific to your subject. If your tag has a space concatenate them together as one word.

When posting to the "Proof of Brain" community, avoid these tags:
actifit, steemhunt, appics, dlike, share2steem.
They are muted in the community.

Supply and Demand

As word spreads about Proof of Brain tokens, demand is going to go up. We are at $0.53 USD each now from $0.15 a month ago. Fifty coins are issued per ten minutes, it mimics the early days of Bitcoin.

How to use tokens

You can use Proof of Brian tokens by staking them. Once staked, they can be used for voting. Those who vote on posts also get rewards for voting! This is called 'curator' rewards. They can also be used for promoting content on or They can be traded for Hive tokens on Hive Engine and Leo Dex. You'll be able to login with the same account as for Proof of Brain and without the need of entering your master password. You can use Hive Signer or Hive Keychain. You may have to enter your shorter password into Hive Signer or Hive Keychain, however.

Buying and Selling

You can use Hive-Engine and deposit a Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Hive (HIVE), Hive Dollars (HBD) and others at Hive Engine. This needs to be traded for HIVE.SWAP and then from HIVE.SWAP you can trade for Proof of Brain. There is a 1% charge for getting into or out of Hive Engine.

Front Ends

You can access the community with the original Front End at or at the new front end at Both synchronize the same accounts and posts.

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You can even get rewards for posting and voting.

Let us be honest, and admit the fact that this is what everyone is here for. By the way, the guide should mention the importance of commenting/engaging more deeply. Because that is (or should be) more important than posting. You can also get rewards for commenting. Sometimes even more than for posting.

It was turning into a novella when I decided I'd better finish at the time. I should link parts to other posts that cover issues in more depth.

This was very much needed document you have collated and put together. Newbies struggle in developing the understanding of the hive blockchain. I have seen many who are not from the previous times struggling to manage their keys, getting the hive power to make their first post and selling these tokens out and monetizing. This is truly a much needed piece of information.
Re-blogging it.

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This was a very much needed document you have collated and put together.

I agree with your opinion. Written in a single document under the rule name so everyone who joins the POB community should agree with the rules. In the future, there will be no debate about the reward system in the platform.

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This is absolutely a great piece of information. I am sure in the coming time we would also have the option to buy and sell POB for fiat currencies directly as it gains in popularity and the world witnesses the used cases of POB soon. I believe that the digital marketers can use the POB for gaining the backlinks once we improve the seo of the website.

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My God! This was a long read but worth it.

It summaries everything that i have come to know about the POB community

Now i have questions for you, sir

  1. Why is self-voting frown upon on the platform?
  2. Why is the steamit, actifit, and the rest of the mentioned tags forbidden?
  3. What did you mean when you said we should post links of our photos directly?
  4. Is the curation reward only used for post promotion alone?
  5. Apart from being able to vote posts found interesting and educating, is staking of any benefit to us? If yes! In what way?
  6. What would you advice someone who wants to invest in POB by buying a portion?
  7. What is the guarantee that POB will stand the test of time as Bitcoin did.

I alologize for asking too many questions. I have more but let me keep them for another day.

Thanks for answer them in advance

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Self-voting is frowned upon because a person typically shouldn't be the judge of one's own work. Why and Whether a self-vote causes a curator to not vote your post depends on each person who votes. I cannot answer why these tags are banned for I never banned them. I never used the phrase "post photos directly", can you quote me instead?

Did you mean this?:

Photos help bring attention of the reader to your post. You can use photos of your own creation, screen shots, or stock images. You can copy your images to the 'clipboard' in Linux or Windows, and paste them right in the editor. You can take photos and drag and drop them into the editor window.

You can click in the editor window and paste and the photos get uploaded and appears in the text as if it's some kind of local word processor. You can do that.

Your curator reward goes to your wallet. You can sell, stake, give away. More detail on staking is better for another article. It's yours to do as you please. You get rewards for voting posts. The more stake you have, the stronger your vote but you also get curation rewards for voting on the content that will become popular. If an investor is going to buy POB, it might be better to buy now rather than down the road because it is going to get more scarce as time goes on. I cannot guarantee that POB will stand the test of time, but I am going to make some efforts that will help make Proof of Brain stand out from the other tribes.

There is a recent post by @juanmiguelsalas which touches on some self-voting points. It's worth the read since it expands the conversation further and highlights the differences between larger and smaller stakeholders self-voting.

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I actually voted on that one.

nice, have to check that topic there.

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I cannot guarantee that POB will stand the test of time, but I am going to make some efforts that will help make Proof of Brain stand out from the other tribes.

Nobody can guarantee.
Everyone should make his own decision, answering the question "how bright is the future of POB"
Recent things ( like the one below) concerns me a lot. But I will hold myself from further comments.
Just a small screenshot, for a better visibility, what's playing "behind the scenes":

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I guess new authors will be tempted to compare POB to Nazi Germany instead of the kind of posts I have been writing.

Every post I have seen from him this week is critical of Proof of Brain. Now, we are rather the antithesis of not allowing criticism. Rather than punish criticism, we reward it. Perhaps we have gone too far in that direction, though.

This meme was taken from one of lucylin's posts.

Rather than punish criticism, we reward it.

And more so, reward IN RICH.
Have you noticed those 110 POB upvotes recently? Disgusting.

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Nice work @leprechaun, especially with the initial start on HIVE. I'm going to bookmark this for when I invite some people over.

(I'm going to spend a couple of days scraping together all of the discussions from the past couple of weeks and I'll make a new discussion thread on Saturday)

Noticed another post by @offgridlife that mentions the default view being 'All posts', made this for the time being.

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Great post. I am really enjoying Proof of Brain so far. Lots of really good content and really nice people.

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This is my friend, the more value you contribute, the greater feeling of satisfaction will be, welcome and let the successes continue!

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excellent article in case I already added it to my bookmarks for future new members who are disoriented this will be a really useful guide. Thank you very much for this contribution to the community!

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Very good guide ... When we start in this world we are lost what to do, which means everything I like your initiative, keep up the good work ...

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This is an excellent guide for newbies and not so new alike. The blockchain itself is a big learning curve for anyone who is just starting. This is a great article to start the journey with.

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This definitely deserves a bit of !PIZZA

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@leprechaun! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @clicmaster.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at

This is a very good post for newbie, very informative, i think this post can be use as a form of reference to newbie to support their growth

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This is very informative article for newcomers in Hive, especially for Proof of Brain, full of guide that made everyone understanding how to made quality post. Thanks for makes this guide articles and i must reblog this one :D

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Great article I have been very eager to understand #proofofbrain.

You go on to clarify some questions I had such as self voting.

This was something I was led to believe was done by most in other tribes and I started to do it.

Mainly because I thought it might have aided the post in getting viewed.

As I didnt have any tokens staked I didnt understand the flip side.

Which is of course people earning curation rewards from upvoting their own posts.

As I have started staking my POB only recently this is good to know as I certainly don't want to be a thight ass Lol.

I can see your reasoning behind this and really enjoyed the article thank you for sharing

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This is truly an awesome article, that covers all that you need to get started!

It deserves the name of absolute guide to beginner's! And even some old timers can take advantage of this!

Also one thing to mention for beginners is to hop onto the Discord server so they can also take part in the talk about the path of the tribe!

Thanks for sharing this!!!

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Thank you for the article! I admit that i upvote my post like 80% of the time. But after reading this, No more self upvote! (>..<)"

This is kind of what I'm talking about with onboarding issues. Many people wont do all of the steps mentioned here. For someone brand new coming to hive/proofofbrain it's a rather daunting task to just get setup and then trying to learn it after that is another thing.

My hope is soon we can start cleaning that up and it looks like a few of the newer launches might tackle that.

Still a good write up though and needed for those that do want to get started.

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So minimally I guess we could leave picture tips out and put it in another guide once users get used to everything else. I guess completeness can be overwhelming. That makes me think. Ideas are churning

There's a lot of steps none of which is your fault it's just the way hive is setup.

Optimal would be a simple account creation that auto creates a hive key on the backend but the user doesn't realize it till they login to their account. It looks like this is a direction some of the newer programs are going for. It allows for quick easy account creation which then can lead them into how to use their wallet and vote with it etc later on.

I believe MINDS does something like this at the moment but it's been a while since I first joined. They call it off chain/on chain wallet.

Thank you very much for the guide. Also, I appreciate the addition of links for stock images. I've used Pixabay for most of my images and wasn't aware of the other services.

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I'd like to add that has free photos and there is a community here, on Hive, called "Stock Photos" where locals to Hive share images that you are all welcome to use.

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Trying to use either of these options to find an image of a spider left me wondering whether these two need a beginner's guide as well.

Very informative article. It could be really helpful in onboarding newbies as it's highlights basically all they need to know. Thanks for sharing

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This is a great and very useful post, @leprechaun! Detailed and didactic.

I think they are very good for "sleepwalkers" (I wrote about this in the post: who still intend to be a parte of this community.

great guide, now finally I also learn how to use Hive, well done dude - the self-voting part is still kind of a point I am not totally in agreement but totally get your point of course.

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Good explanation, but also I could say that this begginers guide should be used as standard explanation for all other communities and tribes. 😎

wish I'd seen this earlier lol. One question, I have a steemit account but don't use it anymore can I migrate that account over here or is it too late? If so how do I do it?

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The best thing about Hive, is if you created your account before the event of the creation of the Hive blockchain, your old Steemit credentials will work. However, you should set your recovery account to something other than "steemit."

Imagine a scenario where someone else gets your private keys and changes your keys. In this scenario you are locked out of your own account. There is a way out, but only if you have set your recovery account.

The recovery account is a Hive different account. It should be someone can verify that the real you has lost her account and needs to recovery it. You will be able to allow recovery with your old private owner key (or master password). I have not written about this.

I did try to change my recovery account and tried shepz1 as he created it for me but computer said no. So are you saying if I put my steemit name and password in here it will work? Cool. I'll try it.

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I don't know where you're trying to set your recovery account, but setting that requires either your master password or owner private key. I did it once, but I nothing of my bookmarks looks like that except for . It seems like it does everything. I don't know how to make it set a recovery account though.

oh whenever I log in on PeakD it asks me to reset my recovery account so have only tried there. I wouldn't know how otherwise or even that it existed.

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Thank you. I think if you go to the peakd page for that there are two links. Remember to use the owner private key or master password for this. The recovery account for your account 'active-truth' is set as steem. So I guess you have had active-truth from the steemit days as well.

I guess your concern is whether accounts from Steem expire for use in Hive if you never use them. This is not the case in anything I have ever read.

No this account was given to me by shepz1, he made the name. I'd prefer to be under my own name I use everywhere (northerntracey). So the recovery account was set up by shepz1 originally. So I don't have any other accounts on here to use as recovery unless I can use my old steem account.

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Thank you very much for posting this and this answers a great deal of questions in one spot.

I was particularly interested in the section about self-voting as I've seen people doing this and was always curious about the etiquette of this behavior. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I'm bookmarking this post as a reference, thanks.

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Thank you for sharing this! Lots of info for newbies like me. ☺️