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RE: Land SPS distributed to those who have surveyed - (A Splinterlands Proposal)

in PeakMonsters2 years ago

I agree Jarvie, its clear that the people who have voted no to this proposal are not prepared to survey and get their land working immediately :)

The wonderful thing about blockchain is that everything is transparent and motive and be inferred. :)


i'm prepared to survey the land just cant afford all the starter stuff yet and need some time to do this. It seems to me to be good for the game for all of us to buy all the starter stuff. Maybe i got my head up my ass and am thinking totally wrong about this. i hate being rushed when making big financial decisions and feel really rushed since the white paper and this proposal came out. i might just not fully understand it all. fk knows

I think the intent of Jarvie's proposal is to accelerate the surveying progress by rewarding those who are willing to jump right in. While I've only got a tract (making it easier to do this preparation) - I'm still short, so I imagine that large region holders would not be keen to see their SPS rewards tumble proportionally to their ownership of land. I understand that.

A region was a seriously large commitment at the original release of land, and the white paper probably solidifies the fact that it is an enormous commitment to get it to produce at the optimal rate.

My view is that the risk for holding unsurveyed land is less than surveying it (like holding an unopened pack) - and people who take the risk (by surveying) should be rewarded more handsomely than those who do not, by way of getting a larger cut of that SPS rewards allocated to land.

and people who take the risk (by surveying) should be rewarded more handsomely than those who do not, by way of getting a larger cut of that SPS rewards allocated to land.

agree! now give me a month to get enough funds to do this. stop the SPS flow, in fact take back all the SPS land has given me to date if that's the argument. X amount of SPS per day since ? plus vouchers = ? A lot less then what i'm thinking this will cost.

so my math says anyway :)

100% True, but for those who got land on Day 1, the SPS and Voucher returns have probably exceeded the cost of the land. :)

I am still about only 90% ready for my tract, at this point which is what is in the white paper, let alone the phases to come.

Since you've indicated you're on the fence and want to understand a bit more why to vote... i shall appeal to you.

DEC-B was announced jan 17
Starter packs were announced feb 9
White paper that re-emphasizes the need for those things has been out a bit now.

If this doesn't pass I'm not doing another proposal it'll be up to the sps council dudes like @davemccoy and their proposals aren't passing too often either. I don't know if they even have much of an appetite for this proposal... they have to be actually interested in the subject. We don't know the reason for @genepoolchlrn8r downvote... we only know that you and dave would vote in favor upon a change.

You literally have until april 9th to get dec-b
Will your getting ready time be after april 9th and you're willing to pay 20% more? (even more than that when you consider the pretty good discount for using vouchers to get dec-b)

And here's a final point on timing: Do we really think that they'll have have surveying out this tuesday? They have alluded to potentially taking another week to make sure everything is good to go. I have actually heard many people indicate they wouldn't be bummed if they take another week to make sure it's all good to go. Also this proposal will take another week and then even though it's easy it will have to wait for a tuesday to get implimented ... so it may not get done in one day and it will miss a tuesday and get implimented the following week.

You may not be fully ready but you'll be partly ready and you'll be able to survey a good chunk.

Also final reason is that this isn't gonna pass the proposal this just takes it to the stage of official voting. Maybe it still fails... maybe you still downvote it next round.

Maybe we see surveying comes out on this tuesday and people react a bit differently ... maybe they indicate to us how long surveying starter packs are gonna be available and maybe it's a short period anyway and that solves part of our problem and maybe we don't need this proposal quite as much. We give splinterlands team a bit of time to help solve part of the problem which is that there is NO reason to survey until june/july except for curiosity. And thus we're delaying major participating in land until june/july and delaying the impacts starter packs can have on the economy until then.

You made a point that I hadn't considered, if someone is going to buy any of the land packages then they will most likely use DEC-B. DEC-B will be finished on April 9th.

So anyone that is serious about considering the packages would make that decision by April 9th as well.

This proposal will take us to within a week of that date and it will take the DEVs some time to enact it.

So therefore, I will be switching my vote to YES and voting all my accounts.

Thanks for making the point and for making this proposal @jarvie

All good points. Getting this proposal to official voting stage for sure is the right thing. Starting to feel better about all of this.

thanks, I appreciate your time getting back to me 😀

what i always find amazing. that some people often use the word ``me'' in their arguments. but people don't want to realize that it's a selfish action. it doesn't matter if it's logical, right or wrong, because it's all about me.... :(

it is about me. cant talk for you nor should i try to. if i say we should all give SPS back etc that is talking for everyone which is B.S as it makes assumptions

if using me is considered selfish to you (which is about you)
I (me) am ok with that.

hope this makes sense, not sure i fully understood you correctly

i think you actually know that it would be right to distribute the sps only to measured land. but because YOU don't have the complete money for it right now. the wrong system should continue to run anyway. so if you have made the complete money for it liquid in 1 month, we are allowed to introduce the actually right system. imagine someone else needs 2 more years to have the money together. should we then continue to run the wrong system for 2 years? i thought with a lot of sps you also have a lot of responsibility to make the right decision. but apparently for some, a lot of sps is only good for pushing through their own interests. of course you have the right to do that! but honestly, i don't know what to make of it as a human being.

Your idea of using someone needing 2 years is not relative.
My interests don't aline with yours, or what you believe to be correct. happy to disagree.

gotta run. thanks for the convo

i must also acknowledge that we are in 2 different situations. for me, it is completely financially irrelevant whether the proposal goes through or not. because the amounts are so small that it is not even worth calculating. and so i can go completely free according to what i think is right.
but can it be good for a game/community if single persons act only according to their own interests, if they have more voting power than 100 000 other people in the community together?

id like to think that as many people as possible buying up all the starter packages with outside $ is good for the game. I'm thinking there are other people out there in the same boat as me, need a little more time to think, evaluate, find resources. Maybe i'm 100% wrong and just plain selfish . don't know sometimes haha :)

they should finish the land development first and we will happily survey it is as simple as that

Coming in the next few weeks to the survey stage. :)