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RE: Week 1 progress of my Stand up 2 Cancer Squats Challenge - The 3 Ss

in Reflectionslast year

This challenge is a very noble idea. But I wonder how exactly it can help or rise money? I mean, if I will join and do my squat every day, how can it help?

The research statistic is scary indeed. I have a school friend.. When we went to school, her grandmas and grandpas gone one by one in a couple of years, and 3 of 4 from a cancer. That was terrifying. Now her mom has cancer, the latest "stage", and she also had cancer but she was "lucky' to find out about it early. Now she is "clear", but... I can understand people like her why they don't tell their friends and don't call first, so I try to be in touch with her to show my support. Her husband joined AF too.

By the way, your progress in #squatschallenge is really impressive! Great job! (and "let this cup pass from you")

Cheers and !BEER