While I always thought it entertaining and stimulating to think about alternate realities and the simulation theories. To me, it was simply a distraction from reality and a though-provoking break.
Now, it has simply turned to annoying as I have found friends trying so hard to escape reality that they vehemently argue that I am in denial. They point to all the evidence like conspiracy theorists of the highest authority and it changes from funny to sad.
Perhaps I am just in denial. Maybe I simply refuse to deny myself any power over this instance of reality but time better spent there than opting to be powerless in the only reality we will ever know.
Still, I loved this movie. Not for the acting really as much as the surprising plot turns and silly adventure and humorous awkward injected stereotypes.
Date night is always a good thing too so it sounds like a good night.
Aye, here's the rub! People make themselves victims so that they can pretend they have no agency over their lives. I wonder what happens if they meet real victims.
Perhaps I spend too much time around these things to be surprised by the plot! :D
They should be more regular for us.
When wannabe victims find real victims (as far as what I have seen) they virtue signal them and try and make them feel bad for not empathizing with the fake victims. 'Oh but what about us redheads? We are a minority too!" The stupidest thing I have seen in a while.
So easy to get swept up in the financial and parenting responsibilities which take up so much time and fulfill our duties. Still, it is a discipline thing like those other responsibilities and something we should put almost equal attention on.
lol!! yeah - I have seen this too :)