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RE: A Chasm Too Wide?

in Reflections4 months ago

A great post and I think we think alike on so many of the points you raised

Totally agree more empathy is needed

The chasm is indeed very wide and sadly so many at either end of the spectrum are only willing to view things that agree with their opinion and are not open to read all sides of an issue

As for the talking down to people sadly I am seeing that almost being the norm especially online where I guess people feel as sense of anonymity

I will stop there


Yeah, it has gotten really bad. I'm not saying one side or the other is wrong, but I was at least willing to try to see the other point of view and while I can appreciate some of it, most of it just isn't landing with me.

Well I was trying to be diplomatic I do feel one side is shall a say harsher and we both know what side i mean
its not landing with you because a lot of it makes no sense

Haha, yeah, I got ya!