Social Divides and Conquered

in Reflections2 years ago

I've had a theory for many years already, that artistic personalities are prone to psychological issues, like depression and addiction. I have no evidence to back this up, it is just observational, nor do I say that it means that it is a certain outcome, but I do think there might be something to it.

Me reasoning is that creative people might be more sensitive to experience in some way, which improves their creative abilities, but can also support negative outcomes, where there are greater fluctuations in emotional centers, creating a kind of noise and to quieten the noise, they might find ways to dull their senses - like alcohol or drugs. This can also be exacerbated for the more famous of them, because they might have easier access and peer support to take this path.


This means that all of the celebrity suicides and overdoes shouldn't come as much as a surprise. However, rather than being a symptom of the lifestyle, it is actually a symptom of a predisposition, like an allergic reaction to pollen. However, it is also one that goes undiagnosed and once in play, the addiction mechanisms kick in.

At least in terms of some addictions, there is a strong correlation between addiction and genetics, with as much as half of the risk coming from genetic factors. And, much of our genetic makeup dictates our outcomes in life, including things like our artistic and musical abilities, so it doesn't seem farfetched to me that there is a correlation between mental issues either. This also suggests that there are likely other predispositions that are going to affect our outcomes in life.

For instance, there is a very large drive over the last years to make gender a social topic that needs addressing - something that I disagree with. I don't disagree with the idea of inclusion, but I do disagree with the constant fragmenting of society into an endless spectrum of fractional groupings in the name of inclusion, as it is the polar opposite of it. If people really wanted to make society inclusive, they would stop slicing people into groups and see people at the lowest common denominator that represents the species - we are all human. But, making inclusion about gender by creating clear lines of division, fails to recognize the continuous nature of the spectrum that we are all on.

There is no one the same as you, no one the same as me, and the chances of there ever being someone the same in past or future is approaching zero.

From a biological standpoint, it is useful to split into sex, where there are obvious differences between male and female that are going to affect outcomes, like pregnancy, or testicular cancer. Yes, there are outliers, but they are such edge cases that they can be treated as one-off events. But, organizing ourselves as if we are all completely different just doesn't work, because like it or not, being human means that we have far more in common with each other than we have that separates us. And biologically,

It doesn't matter about our social norms.

For most of general healthcare for example, it doesn't matter if we are male or female, the treatment is the same. As we get more specific, it does matter, because for example, if we are pregnant, some medications will put the unborn child at risk. And, this also affects preventative treatment, where for instance, breast cancer is more predominant (but not exclusive) to women, so testing often makes sense. Since women don't have a prostate, screening would be quite a waste of time, money and the potential to screen for other factors more common to women. Similarly, testing a male for pregnancy, would be a waste of resources too.

The gender discussion muddies the social waters.

I feel a lot of the social movements and discourse these days are akin to hijacking the narrative of the needs at hand, similar to the environment discussion. For instance, when I was a kid, the conversation for the environment centered around pollution, something that everyone agreed was bad, since no one wants to live surrounded by it. However, over time, the discussion has moved to climate change instead, which is something that can be argued endlessly, without actually having to do anything about it. But, if the focus had just stayed on reducing pollution across the board, we would have had the best chance of also affecting human-created climate change.

Now, we are arguing about slicing up the spectrum of gender and sexual orientation, instead of saying "you be you" and "I will be me" across the spectrum of human experience. That would be inclusion, where people are able to have their personal preferences, but also accept that other people have their personal preferences too.

It is about taking down barriers across the spectrum, not making more. Yet, more divisions go up because it creates an environment of legislated frameworks, even if law only by social convention. This creates an environment that is impossible to navigate without breaking the law and being open to punishment, which is a mechanism for control. It is literally socially supported and implemented divide and conquer policy, where we are beating ourselves, imprisoning ourselves, punishing ourselves.

And, this focus on these edge-case topics (8 billion gender edges) makes us hyper-sensitive to our identity, obsessing over it, getting addicted to it, when there should be other things to focus on that are more important, that are better for our health.

Which raises a potential theory in terms of the gender arguments similar to that of the artists, where because we are constantly setting up a sensitivity to identity and creating confusion around it, we might be more prone to having negative outcomes due to the constant ambiguity. In general, humans look for security and stability, with us all having some degree of risk aversion and struggle with the complexity of the world. But, when we are constantly struggling with who we are at the core, this is going to make dealing with the other factors of the world even more difficult.

Does this mean someone who is transgender for example, is going to have a harder time dealing with the everyday aspects of life, not because of social exclusion, but internal confusion? Do they have that constant noise similar to the artist? I mean we all have that voice going on and we all question who we are to some degree, but is that our singular focus and are we constantly trying to justify a place for ourselves in the world?

It seems that no matter how much support there is, negative mental health issues are on the rise across the board, globally, with all kinds of problems arising. I think a lot of this comes down to the polarization of topics across society, where understanding nuance is no longer a common skill and the polarization is happening on an endless array of edge-case topics.

I feel that the entire social conversation is being leveraged in that divide and conquer world and the more we subscribe to it, the worse our community outcomes and personal wellbeing is going to get. The barriers of division we are putting up, are hurting us as individuals, yet we seem to think that unless we put up a barrier, we have no place in the world.

We as humans don't deal well with complexity, where we don't even have the sense to predict things like compound interest well, yet we are spending an incomprehensible amount of time and energy on creating more and more social complexity and making the world increasingly difficult to navigate. This results in not only more division, but also social disconnection and disenfranchisement, because we are constantly kicked out of groups for not being the precise flavor of the new, instead of included into the total of unlimited flavors. It is hard work always thinking the worst of everyone.

No wonder so many people are tired, depressed and looking for escape.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I think a lot of mental health issues come down to a weakening and polluted food supply as well as the social fragmenting you discuss. I don't have any proof, since I'm not that tapped into the research, but I can imagine that genetics are worsening because of the additives in our food.

I can definitely tell you that I got my granddad's addictive personality, ironically enough I am even named after him since he passed two years before I was born. Trust I've heard it enough from my mom that I have some of her dad's more unsavory elements, but so is life. For me, it is all a matter of channeling that addiction, that fixation on more beneficial activities than destructive ones. I'm thankful that I really suck at drinking and am a pretty calm and relaxed weed smoker. But still, I would get so much more accomplished if I put the pedal to the metal more frequently than I put the lighter to the bowl. 🌳💨

I don't have any proof, since I'm not that tapped into the research, but I can imagine that genetics are worsening because of the additives in our food.

I would say this is a factor too. Over-processed food, a million chemicals we aren't built to handle, medication, vaccination, air and water pollutants...

For me, it is all a matter of channeling that addiction, that fixation on more beneficial activities than destructive ones.

Yep. I think that we at least all have the potential for some kind of compulsion, but if we are going to have one, may as well make it work for us.

But still, I would get so much more accomplished if I put the pedal to the metal more frequently than I put the lighter to the bowl

This is definitely a "move to Finland" thing - since it is so very illegal here still :D

What you are dealing with is a very interesting and at the same time very complex topic.
There are so many facets and so many things to evaluate.

What I like to focus on is the idea that further barriers are created to include. I think we should simply limit ourselves to respecting and accepting the other for who he is.

In the same way we should learn to accept ourselves, come to terms with that little voice we have inside, make peace.
Knowing and knowing how to listen to yourself is fundamental.

It is absolutely not something simple but it is something that can be done, it takes commitment yes but deep down, if we don't commit ourselves to who or what should we do it for?

In today's society "divide and conquer" has become almost a rule, I am always convinced that only united can win.
I think I'm a romantic in some ways, but I've never seen it as a negative thing... I keep dreaming, but I prefer it this way rather than stop dreaming; obviously I live reality and do everything possible to make it better for me and those around me.

on the other hand, as a good scout, I grew up with the idea that we must do everything possible to try and leave this world a little better than we found it.😉

I think we should simply limit ourselves to respecting and accepting the other for who he is.

Yes. Shouldn't be too hard, should it? Doesn't need massive debates, or laws, or billions of dollars spent. Just see each other as human and get on with life.

In today's society "divide and conquer" has become almost a rule, I am always convinced that only united can win.

I agree. It won't happen unless there is incentive to do so, which is why I put hope in crypto.

as a good scout, I grew up with the idea that we must do everything possible to try and leave this world a little better than we found it.😉

This shouldn't be too hard either, yet we make a meal of it.

Yes, they are all simple things, but you know, I think life is made up of simplicity, then it is the man who goes to find the difficulties.

Some things are so elementary that if one pays attention to it and reflects on it then he says: "damn it was really simple!"; the problem is that in today's society we pay attention to few things, we are all distracted by something ... the cell phone, social networks, television, on television we watch politics which is nothing more than a show to confuse minds, religion is another opium for the people....they do everything they can to confuse minds.

On the other hand, the way I see it, if you get confused and you are not able to maintain attention, that is right; as far as I'm concerned I've always tried to develop my person, to grow, improve, be attentive to the world and not get duped... I'm not always obvious, but deep down my training I hope it's just halfway through heh heh!

It is true. I used to be very good with the art. Then I moved to IT for my stomach. And then used my creativity over there. I had a lot of bad days, both home and out. And that leads to depression. So creative people reach depression more because what they think of in canvas of life doesn't work out. There are people who live slow life and they don't like artists visiion and the things that artists want to see in world.

There is also a kind of constant motion, nothing completely solid in the mind with a lot of artists. It can disrupt daily tasks and then, that causes other issues in life too. More stress.

That is an interesting hypothesis. I would say that I agree with some of that. My hypothesis is that people with mental health issues are drawn to professions like counseling and the like. Some of the most messed up people I know are in the psychology field or studied it.

I agree with this too! People are looking for a fix for themselves. This is also why the psychiatry/ psychology field might see a lot of suicides - not because of only listening to other's problems all day.

My wife says the same thing. Like she will sit in a professional development session and half the people are asking questions to try and fix themselves not their clients.

I think that is already the reality that we try to justify our place for the world, although for others, they seem to live a comfortable life. Perhaps you are right about social connections and even social prejudice.

I think we are all there, and it would not end without unity, but still these seems to be impossible for our views in life, and all about life are relative.

What another great reflection for today, Sir. Have a nice time!

I have given up on world peace as a concept where people choose it. Unless there is economic incentive to have it, it will never get enough support.

I see, and I am with you. Indeed, world peace is complex, although it's beyond the control of everyone; not all have the same vision, for others have vested interests, and it does not make any difference, especially when there is competition for wealth, power, and authority. This is really is it! Our hopes for world peace are just around the corner, but in reality; it is a concept worth giving up when everybody is not cooperating.

It seems to me that everyone wants to argue and discuss differences now. There is no discussion of commonalities we have anymore. Listening to conversations, on the rare occasion I do go out in public, it seems they are all to the negative. They are discussing divisive issues almost everytime.

There is no discussion of commonalities we have anymore.

Common ground is dead.

Mayeb not dead, but definitely on life support.

In a way, there are so many different groups set up just because people who don't fit into one want to belong somewhere. No man is an island after all. Does it make sense? Probably not to the majority of us who're perfectly fine with the status quo. But I don't really care much for what others do as long as it doesn't get in the way of my own daily life.

The problem is that people are making themselves islands - minorities of one. Rather than finding common ground, it is a focus on the differences, no matter how small they might be. And endless exercise in division.

I think, for some of them, life has become meaningless and get into depression after a point as they live their life almost to the full.

Yeah, this is likely a factor too. What is a meaningful life? Is it spending as much energy trying to fit in as possible? Obsessing over what others think? Is the purpose of life to get people to accept you?

It seems counter to happiness.

To me, being happy and peaceful with an economic power by which I can do my wishes.

And this is likely similar for many, even if they don't realize it. Yet, instead of focusing on building economic understanding, we are encouraged to fight over identity.

Your words always put me on my toes. I love reading from you a lot and can boastly say you are a rare gem I found on Hive. Please, keep this up.

Regarding what is written, I just can't help but cry internally at what humanity is becoming. It is crazy how we are knowingly creating problems for ourselves trying to be someone else.

Life is already hard and everyone is just trying to stay off the choking measure water is bringing in. Unfortunately, they are some strings pulling one down which is unreasonably bad.

It is crazy how we are knowingly creating problems for ourselves trying to be someone else.

It has always been the way to some extent - but now we are taking it to extremes.

And extremities do not end well. It never does.

that artistic personalities are prone to psychological issues, like depression and addiction.

At times I wonder what I would create if I would be on drugs. But I am not curious enough to try it.

Might be fun to try :)

Wounderfull way of vlogging .thanks for sharing these .

vlogging is with video.