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RE: Tears of a Forgotten Child

in Reflections11 days ago

its probably not a good environment for toys or drawing,

Absolutely it is. My daughter never had a phone or a tablet wherever we went, and we managed fine. We would talk with her, play with her, spend time looking at random things. You didn't grow up with a screen in your face every day either - what did your parents do with you?

I genuinely think teaching is so much more advanced than when I was in school, they've really embraced growth-mindset tools for the kids.

They gamify everything. It doesn't lead to depth for most kids in later life, because the stuff that comes after the foundation, isn't fun.

ADHD medicine should help kids focus and not get constantly distracted by every little thing.

They are extremely focused, drawing in all that information from whatever they are watching, as the rest of life passes them by.


Ahhhh, I see. So essentially you're saying the mother should be playing with their youngest kid instead of chatting to you and the other parents?

To be honest, my parents actually did leave us in the car a lot, so we'd just draw and read comics and maybe play with toys. I assume we didn't learn more than if we were watching educational programs - I have no idea how to quantify that.

Your daughters school education is completely gamified? I didn't know that. I don't actually have any interaction with school aged kids, so I'm only hearing teachers perspectives.