As I read it, you suggest that living solely in the present, without considering the future, can lead to shallow hedonism,
Not just hedonism, because I think a lot of people aren't making decisions for pleasure, but to avoid displeasure. I think there is a difference there. Like running to something, or away from something.
Interesting you mention the hypothalamus, as it controls body temperature. Supposedly, this guys body temperature is 4 degrees F lower than most people, as his body has so little inflammation it doesn't have to work as hard.
The Clock of Life is a concept by Bertrand Planes that is marked in seven to eighty-four, with a mechanism slowed down 61,320 times. Each number represents one year, and a complete rotation takes place every 84 years (12x7=84). This was the maximum average life expectancy in Europe in 2006. And these studies have been done on the hormonal process of the hypothalamus and the natural lifespan.