On the other Side

in Reflections16 days ago

It was my second session with the psychotherapist, and it was interesting. We spent time taking a bit about my childhood, which some people close to me know about, but not really with any kind of consistency. It has been mentioned more as slices, events that took place, but not the overall experience of it. I have reflected on it myself and how influential and impactful it has been on my life, but I had the feeling that she was trying to find some reason in there for me to blame, something that gives me the right to be a victim.

Much has happened.


I am not a victim.

As I spoke and she asked clarifying questions, she kept mentioning fairness and saying things like "That is unfair", and I felt like she expected me to say, Yes it was, as if it somehow mattered to me that it was unfair. And I did acknowledge that it was unfair, but I don't think that it matters.

Fairness is a human concept that individuals put a lot of stock in, but ultimately, the universe doesn't care if the life of an individual is fair or not, because the universe is always fair.

Energy always equals one, no matter how it shifts or is distributed.

The natural formulas that govern the universe can't be broken by human concepts. Yet, this doesn't stop us believing that somehow we deserve special treatment. Yes, while we all have our own issues we must face, some people have it easier or harder than others, and that seems unfair. The reasons why are many and varied, but when we compare ourselves to another, we can only consider a snapshot, and that shot is already a cherry-picked, biased view of the other person, the situation, and ourself. From that angle it might seem unfair, and maybe it actually is, but does that matter?

As said, I am kit a victim. None of us are really - Not from the universal sense at least. Nature has no victims, there is what happens, and that is it. There isn't even the what doesn't happen side, because if it didn't happen, it doesn't exist, and the rules don't apply. But in counterfactuals is where we as humans spend a lot of our time, because we are able to imagine other realities that don't exist. "If only my parents had..."

But they didn't.

We experienced what happened, we understood it at the time as we did, and we processed it over time in many ways, but we weren't victims, we were participants. We are impacted, but are we helpless?

It is enormously useful spend time reflecting and processing our experiences. But if we are only doing it to be able to label ourselves "victim" and have a scapegoat for why we are the way we are, I think it becomes harmful. The value of insight into a reason isn't in the ability to shift blame or for something to hide behind. It is the opportunity to acknowledge what has happened, the impact it has had, but most importantly, what needs to happen going forward.

Whether we think it fair or not.

I don't see fairness as a overly useful concept, unless we are going to consider other determining factors, like needs. However, we rarely do when we look into the past if our own lives, and we often leave out the positive effects an "unfair" experience brought alongside the negative. If we went back on time and made it fair, would we also be willing to knowingly give up our future strengths? Unlikely. We'd see it as a loss, and again, we would likely say, that is unfair.

We want to have our cake and eat it too.

But, I am limited. I only have so much of the universe's energy, and it can only be applied to a narrow band of life. I can't fix everything in the past, as even if it were possible, I don't have the bandwidth to do so. I am broken, imperfect, imbalanced, and struggling in multiple ways. Like everyone. But as far as the universe is concerned, it is just as it should be, with all rules being followed to the ethereal letter.

The other side of the fence is always greener, because we don't know the reality of it. We see ourselves as victims on this side, but even that view is incomplete and limited. Making the comparisons to others are useless, unless it is being used to be inspired and improve ourselves. But we have to know, even if others have done it, it doesn't mean we can too. It also doesn't mean we can't.

It is up to us to find out what we can do in the universe, with the energy we have available.

It is early days as I don't know of the therapy will help me in some profound way, but I hope it does help me, help myself. It is nice to talk with someone about all of it though, and it is I treating to get the feedback and prompting from a professional. And of course, it is great to have the space to think deeply, and find what has been forgotten, and discover what was poorly processed, or avoided completely.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I think it is the discussion and the talking that may give way to something rather than anything magical that these people can do. Although you could maybe just explode and grab them by the lapels and scream HEAL ME I AM BROKEN then quickly sit down and ask what happened there. That might jazz it up a bit

Although you could maybe just explode and grab them by the lapels and scream HEAL ME I AM BROKEN then quickly sit down and ask what happened there.

I am actually quite willing to try this. As they say, ask and you shall receive. I figure, asking louder must mean it happens faster.

It's the rule of law. Undeniable. 😃


For some reason this reminded me GoT and Bran the Broken. I still think that all other characters had better story than Bran the broken...

They made it seem like he was going to be something amazing - but no, Hodor was more impactful.

They totally did. I remember in the books when it got to a Bran chapter I was thinking oh bugger 😃

I always wanted Bronn to sit on the throne instead. that would have completed his rising from nothing story better. Also he may be more qualified to be king than position he got in the show.

He was a great character. I just wish that GRRM had got his finger out and finished the source material before the show caught up with him but that was never going to happen

At this point I am not even angry at GRRM...I am just disappointed. It is a tragedy that Kentaro Miura did not live long enough to finish Berserk but I feel that in GRRM case he is only one to blame that his story will be unfinished.

It is enormously useful spend time reflecting and processing our experiences. But if we are only doing it to be able to label ourselves "victim" and have a scapegoat for why we are the way we are, I think it becomes harmful. The value of insight into a reason isn't in the ability to shift blame or for something to hide behind. It is the opportunity to acknowledge what has happened, the impact it has had, but most importantly, what needs to happen going forward.

Great paragraph right here!

So many people seem to only look into their past to find regrets, to find something to be angry about, or to find a reason to be a victim. "This is why I'm not more successful in life" and so on. Like anger in general, all this is really just a waste of time. You might get someone to feel sorry for you or you might get some free handouts, but playing on others' sympathy isn't really a very fulfilling life and ultimately isn't going to get you very far. Far better to learn from our past, use that knowledge to untangle things that need untangled, and move forward.

You might get someone to feel sorry for you or you might get some free handouts, but playing on others' sympathy isn't really a very fulfilling life and ultimately isn't going to get you very far.

Yet, we have created a victim society that rewards the biggest loser, not the most inspiring, or most positively impactful. People trend toward faking their victimhood for attention and monetization.

I think a lot of us get hung up on things being fair. I have been there myself. I probably still go there from time to time. I think ultimately, some things you just need to let go and the ability to do that is where the growth happens. The universe is just trying to find equilibrium. It's not for or against anything.

The universe is just trying to find equilibrium. It's not for or against anything.

And it always finds it, or always has it. We just expect that our lives are meant to be equal also. That isn't going to happen.

This is why I don't really believe in concepts like karma... it suggests that something is keeping track and evaluating every action. It's all perception, people are great at finding patterns, even when none exist, and putting together a bad thing and a good thing can make someone feel better when it's all just a bunch of stuff that happened.

I wonder if the psychotherapist is not trying to frame you as a victim of unfair events, but more trying to figure out which events in your past impact your current decision making.

Sometimes I feel like all of our decisions is just everyone trying to cope with their individual anxieties.

and putting together a bad thing and a good thing can make someone feel better when it's all just a bunch of stuff that happened.

We try to tie up loose ends, give meaning to meaningless, make order where none exists.

I wonder if the psychotherapist is not trying to frame you as a victim of unfair events, but more trying to figure out which events in your past impact your current decision making.

Yes, it is possible and probably what she is doing. It is the way she talked about it that might be "off" for me. It is only the second session - lots more conversation to come. :)

Sometimes I feel like all of our decisions is just everyone trying to cope with their individual anxieties.

Probable. We are a universe of one from an experiential standpoint. Who else is there to blame?

The other side of the fence is always greener, because we don't know the reality of it.

What we cannot reach is more valuable and of higher quality to us. When we cannot reach it, we magnify it in our imagination. When we reach the truth, we realize that it is not actually that valuable.

Searching for meaning as if meaning matters. Upon finding it, nothing changes.

Much of our energy as humans is wasted in comparing our lives with the lives of others and apportioning blames. That energy can be better used if we accept who we are and strive to improve our lives. If anyone says life is unfair to them I think the universe provides them tools to effect a balance.

If anyone says life is unfair to them I think the universe provides them tools to effect a balance.

Many seem to take their toolbox and throw it out the window - then expect a mechanic to arrive and fix everything.

I think therapy is a good thing, I have personally seen it help our daughter deal with some issues that we couldn't help her. Even if you feel like it doesn't help you yet, you should finish it and if you have a chance try another round. It also depends on your therapist like in every walk of life health care field has stars, average performers and below average therapists.

Glad she got some relief.

I think it will help me, though I am not sure it will help me in the way I need it to, if that makes sense. I have no idea what is a good or bad therapist in this regard, as it seems hard to quantify.

Does it really matter if it's fair or unfair? As you say, in many situations it doesn't matter. I feel it's because things are what they are, they happen and that's it.

But there is an important point there, that scale that measures justice that is actually linked to something deeper, in some cases to feelings, common sense, humanity.

I believe that justice exists and that judgment because otherwise some things would be horrendous. At least from my point of view.

It is certainly something to think about.

I believe that universe is seperated from us and runs its own way. It has just given us some basic life conditions, thus we are alive now.
