Momentary Gods

in Reflectionslast year

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
G. Michael Hopf

Do you think it is true?

One of my colleagues mentioned this infamous quote as part of a group conversation over coffee, where we were talking about how we tend to overcomplicate the world and a lot of the public discourse is only possible, because times are too good.

Idle hands do the devil's work.


Idle lips are his mouthpiece.

Humans are problem solvers by nature, making us creative forces. All of us. But, while we are all the problem solving spectrum, we aren't all equipped to solve the same kinds of problems and when we do not have a problem to use as a focal point of our creativity, we will create a problem instead, so that we can begin the process of solving it.

Because we don't all have the same skills, we are well suited to working on a whole range of problems and collaborating in order to solve pieces of large and complicated problems also. However, some challenges have a higher barrier of entry in order to be an effective problem solver and some have such a low bar, anyone can take part. For example, relatively, there are only a small fraction of people on earth who are able to solve the problem of how to populate Mars. However, essentially everyone can weigh in on the problem of how to improve society, because it is incredibly ambiguous and at a scale where most individuals can't do much at a practical level that will be meaningfully impactful on the problem itself.

Yet, even at this level, we end up wanting to make more problems, by changing the definitions to increase ambiguity and open up for no practical solution. For instance, when I was a child, there was no discussion about which public toilet a person should use - it was clear, because there was clarity on the definition of man and woman - with nothing in between. That has obviously changed.

When I was a kid, people were starving in Ethiopia due to famine. Forty years later, people are still starving in Ethiopia from famine.

It isn't good times for everyone.

Idle hands are no longer doing the devil's work for most people, because idle hands are instead scrolling through social media feeds, tapping likes, sharing and commenting on the words coming from what would otherwise be idle lips, but are now the Devil's mouthpieces. The social platforms have given a voice to the people, any people, and most of those people are not the ones who are solving the challenging problems, but they want to be included, to release their creative energy. And, since they can't create a solution, they create problems, or amplify the created problems of others.

Communities used to come together to build a church to worship a religious god. Now they come together to raise a problem, with all the fervor of the most religious groups in history, rallying around an imaginary cause, raising it up to be their momentary god.

Until they get bored and move on to the next god of the moment.

Yet, with all their energy, nothing is actually getting built and nothing is getting solved, because what they are putting their attention into, is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of daily living for the majority of people. If anything, the approach it has taken has created more division in the world, with segregation being supported by the same groups that only a few decades ago, were fighting for inclusion. A constant splitting of groups into ever-finer slices, setting up differentiation and, more problems to "solve".

I don't think we have had "good times" in many respects, but what I do believe is we have an increasing number of ways to avoid dealing with the actual problems we face as a society. We can continuously choose the lowest hanging fruit in terms of problem to talk about, but even if we were to solve it, it wouldn't make an impact on the challenges of consequence. How many different gendered toilet signs do we need to create before we are able to solve starvation from famine in Ethiopia?

How many selfies are required to end racism?

We have attention deficit disorder, but the disorder isn't due to us not being able to pay attention, it is in what we are paying attention to. We have become hypersensitive to the inconsequential and cosmetic issues, while the important problems we face are left to fester, growing larger, deeper and becoming more problematic. We argue about the cause of climate change endlessly, while not actually dealing with climate change and working out how we as a species that is very sensitive to our environment, are going to survive it. We have failing economies locally and globally, but instead of building a robust economy, we vote for leaders based on popularity and single issues of contention - the momentary god.

The hard times of the past might have made us strong, but now they just make us more avoidant. We seek out entertainment to distract us from having to deal with problems, so that not only do the problems get larger, but we get increasingly weaker, reducing our ability to create good times. It is a race to the bottom and when we hit that bottom, we are not resilient enough to use it as a foundation to build on, we instead demand to be saved from our problems, most of which are of our own making.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

When people repeat this quote, they tend to focus on particular parts of it, with the good times, hard times, strong men and weak men taking the focus. But, what is actually important in my opinion, is the most socistent part of the phrase;


Strong Men, Weak Men. Good Times, Hard Times.

We create our world.

While we fill our moments with problematic gods, solutions pass us by.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I've found myself wondering if there's safety in all of this division.
Where once a civil war might be fought over politics, with clearly defined sides like Left and Right; there are too many debates now.
Your ally in this debate, might be your enemy in that one and vice versa.
Look at gays and feminists aligning with conservatives in keeping men out of women's sports and toilets.
We don't line up behind a single flag any more; and you kinda need that if you hope to have a physical war. A house divided won't stand OR expand.

I think a lot of it boils down to people wanting to be right. Which isn't anything new, but in the past if you had an opinion and it wasn't right or it was flawed, there was no one to support you and most of the time people realized nobody cared and they moved on. Now, all you have to do is post on social media and you have thousands of people agreeing with you and validating you. Whether what you believe or feel is accurate or not. I think those momentary gods and false validations can be paired together.

Whether what you believe or feel is accurate or not.

No validation required, other than social validation. Get enough idiots in a room and you have a room full of idiots.

I agree that hard times create strong men, but not sure whether strong men can create good times as they have gone through many difficulities.

I wonder if there was a study about what kinds of people were created from adversity and whether they are generally positive or negative types.

I don't care much about that quote, it's quite simplistic, like a lot of the alleged wisdom one can find over the internet on any given day, but I agree that, if anything of import can be found in it, is the word "Create". We're makers, it's part of our inheritance. I don't think we're worse at it than our ancestors were or that we have more problems and less solutions now than there were in past decades or centuries, but with all the tools at our disposal, we definitely could be doing a lot better than we are.

This is why my focus is always on awareness and self-improvement. Whatever others do, I can learn from, integrate or simply ignore, but what I do and why... that's where the quid is for me.

like a lot of the alleged wisdom one can find over the internet on any given day

All lines meaningless, unless they are investigated. Very few quotes have any substance standalone.

In the past however, if we weren't active, we didn't eat. Very few people could survive the world doing nothing. These days, most people survive the world, even if they create nothing of value.

These days, most people survive the world, even if they create nothing of value.

I was just having a discussion similar to this with my oldest son the other day.

Yes it's a right quote, i also believe in that we create our own world, although our thoughts attracted towards our future, yes people might focus on hard time, hard man and strong man but the important phrase is create.....

thought, word, action is the process of creation. These days, I feel that there are a lot of words, with little thought, and no action.

Perfectly explained. We have the need to create solutions to problems, and if there are no problems, we create them to then create solutions. And the cycle continues to infinity and beyond!

To infinity... and well, until we destroy ourselves as a species :)

So many people are working on climate issues and trying to create robust and resilient communities... and yet places like Twitter are absolutely filled with climate deniers who seem to want nothing more than to tear down any attempt and trying to build something good... isn't abundant, inexpensive and non-polluting energy a good goal even if you don't believe in climate change?

It drives me nuts that the biggest climate bill in the world, the US IRA, passed, and now even after it's passed politicians are still trying to erode it by holding the US economy hostage.... and these are all the same people that will likely be the least affected by the increased extreme weather events in our near future.

isn't abundant, inexpensive and non-polluting energy a good goal even if you don't believe in climate change?

This is the thing. Same as when we were kids - it was about pollution of the environment, not climate change. No one wants pollution - there was complete consensus. The conversation got hijacked and twisted for corporate gain.

For the people making the decisions at the "top" - they will not live long enough to be heavily affected. *#notmyproblem should be their twitter tag.

Corporate is very, very good at hijacking and redirecting conversations to prevent or slow down any meaningful change. I feel like we've lost 50 years of really important time to make dramatic world-changing changes.

Not only will the people at the top be gone, but their families will probably be mostly fine too since it's all the rest of us that will be affected by extreme weather events and climate displacement/refugees long before those families are are.

I feel like we've lost 50 years of really important time to make dramatic world-changing changes.

I agree. So much could have been done with redirected resources. How far would battery have tech advanced if truly supported from the 80s, instead of maintaining oil and coal industries.

I believe controllership of the world hasn't change much over the centuries. It was always ruled by monarchies who assert their power over their populace. Now it's family dynasties hidden behind LLCs and muddled up behind the legal system.

In this sense, I am always a pessimist and I believe nothing would ever change despite all the technology we have. We might have the perception that we can change things, but it's all because the powers above deem it possible. Just another spook in the wheel. I accept it and try to make the most out of it and hope to leave something for my future generations.

/end sad note

I'm inclined to think that all this deviation into eternal distractions might be connected to the growing "self-importance" of of the individual, primarily in 1st world societies. Suddenly, we have all become "an expert with a pulpit," in the course of the past 50 years or so; possibly since the self-improvement industry's "self-esteem movement" of the late 1970's/early 1980's.

We definitely create problems with that sense of self-importance. Little Ali on Somalia doesn't give a flying flip what kind of recyclable eco-friendly fair trade bottle his water comes in, HE JUST WANTS CLEAN POTABLE WATER! But the water shipment is caught up because there's a committee engaged in discussing their own "green" self-importance, while Ali slowly dies of thirst...

possibly since the self-improvement industry's "self-esteem movement" of the late 1970's/early 1980's.

This is a big part of it, which is why I mentioned the "selfies" - we live in a world where even the "social" platforms are dominated by individuals without a direct relationship to their audience. Plenty of self-esteem, based on poor experience.

Nor does Ali care about trans rights, while he is starving to death.

Indeed one does feel like many are living in a spoiled society where the days problems are not really actual problems at all. These are interesting times. Am more of an observer in all of this, watching how developed societies figure out a way to move forward keeping themselves challenged

watching how developed societies figure out a way to move forward keeping themselves challenged

We keep throwing roadblocks in front of clear paths.

Hard times comes up warning. I feel fear with my previous hard times. Rightnow, when I am writing this comment I still remembering my hard time I ever faced in my life and that time is still the most tragic for me. I think that made me so weak but it's also a reason that I wanna become strong to defeat that hard time which is a strong trauma in my mind. I am just floating the idea of that trauma because the thing is very very personal 😭

We all have hard times - it is how we face it that matters.

For several years I transferred $5-10 to the famine relief fund, about $50-100 a year. And now I buy beans, only from Ethiopia, for about the same amount.

I wonder how much of it goes to Ethiopia and how much is extracted?

Ethiopia has a population of 100 million and 85% are employed in agriculture. 1/3 of the country's exports are coffee ($1.2 billion). I think the export of beans is about 100 million dollars (total Ethiopia produces 500k tons of beans).

Very intelligent post. I totally agree with with. But I am still thinking about the quote because is really confused

But these day all strong men or weak men are creating tiktok videos or tweets nothing else and they think they are solving all the problems of the Worlds with these socal media posts and comments 😂

My older brother and I talk often about how people get all spun up about the "drama of the week". All the while, we still have families and children figuring out what they are going to eat for their next meal in Appalachia Mountain region and other areas of the country.

We have attention deficit disorder, but the disorder isn't due to us not being able to pay attention, it is in what we are paying attention to.

So well said in this quote. Mainstream media has us divided so well, that we are definitely paying attention to the wrong problems instead of coming together for the common good.