Abuse Your Elders

in Reflections7 months ago

The abuse of older people, also known as elder abuse, is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.

With the aging populations around the world, elder abuse has got more attention in the media, with psychological, physical, financial, neglect and sexual abuse increasing. This was apparently exacerbated during the Covid era, with some studies indicating that elder abuse increased 84% during that time. But of course, with an aging population, it is going to increase by instance even if the percentage of abuse stays the same. Still, should there be any?



Because apparently that is what is acceptable in society now - at least in the US. At what point does the way Biden is being treated in the US fit the guidelines for elder abuse? It is obvious he is not all there and is struggling, but it continues on. And, even if Trump is all there, at what point is he liable for abusing someone who doesn't have close to all of their faculties? If the debate that was televised last night was between Trump and someone who was mentally challenged, wouldn't people be disgusted at the display?

But he is president of the US!

Yes it is "different" because this person is meant to be a leader, but it is obvious that he is unable to hold his own, and has been incapable for a very long time. Biden has surprised me though, because I expected him to resign with health issues in the first year and a half of his term, yet he has been forced to continue on - Probably because of who would replace him in those circumstances. And as the audience, we are taking part in the abuse of the elderly by watching, excusing the actions of abuse, and even cheering it on, like some kind of perverse game show.

As I was saying the other day in passing, US government is making itself irrelevant as a governing body, because it has turned policy making into a spectator sport, rather than a function of wellbeing improvement for citizens. No matter if you sit on the left or the right (two sides I find equally stupid in terms of governance), we should all be disgusted by what is happening and change our support. There were calls to defund the police, defund institutions - but we should be defunding the entire government process that has no interest in providing the service we are paying for.

The US is an extreme example (in terms of Western governance at least), but it is becoming less extreme as other governments fall into line behind them, by getting out of the business of policy making and into the world of entertainment instead. Improving the conditions of society so that people can increase life satisfaction is a distant memory, and all that matters now is scoring points against the enemy, with the "enemy" being anyone on the other side of any particular argument, whether their opinions are valid or not.

Trust the science.

Fucking bullshit. Trusting the science isn't about the science being right, it is about it being able to provide the best evidence, based on the best information we have at the time. Science is always developing, but at the social level, our process isn't scientific at all - it is all opinion based, with no evidence required, just a feeling of right and wrong, extrapolated out from meaningless statements made that are designed to trigger a reaction.

The science is in how we are being controlled.

We have apparently being conditioned enough that we no longer care how society is failing, or even how we are struggling as individuals and instead, just want to be entertained. Rather than working out how to improve, we will accept anything that takes our mind off of our suffering - even watching the suffering and abuse of others for sport. Except now, these people aren't gladiators,

They are geriatrics.

anyone take any of this nonsense in the world seriously? People are literally killing each other over this stuff, storming government buildings, rioting, threatening and attacking each other and tearing society apart. Isn't it all just very pathetic? And for the record...@aussieninja thinks that I am a grumpy old man, but how can

I am a grumpy old man.

I guess I am ripe for some abuse.

[ Gen1: Hive ]



Trusting the science isn't about the science being right, it is about it being able to provide the best evidence, based on the best information we have at the time. Science is always developing, but at the social level, our process isn't scientific at all - it is all opinion based, with no evidence required...

Where is your evidence that Biden is mentally challenged... or has been forced to continue on?

Biden has a stutter, which he's had all his life. He is not a good public speaker and has definitely lost the fire that he had 4 years ago... but he's not mentally challenged and the debate, while awful to watch, wasn't elder abuse.

Do you have any scientific evidence to back up your claims that he is? Has he failed any scientific cognitive tests, or are your assertions just opinion-based?

The debate was awful. I couldn't watch it all... but can you imagine trying to debate someone that lies constantly? You have to continually correct the other person, and push your own points across... while the other person just gets to make up whatever they want.

In my opinion, CNN should have had real-time fact-checking... a whole team of fact-checkers to either interrupt the candidates with corrections, or put the corrections up on the screen... by letting candidates just say whatever they want, it wasn't an actual debate.

Personally I think the main problem with both US, UK and Australian politics is the two-party system. When you have 5+ parties, voters can choose the candidates/parties who they think are best, rather than the least worst.

The other problem is that voters mistake charisma for competency. You've said that you're not a great public speaker at the moment... but you write so well and you're clearly super smart - you've probably be great at governing, but probably wouldn't "win" a debate. Should we be choosing people who speak well, or who have a solid track record?

Being in the US compared to Australia, it is wild how much politics is entertainment, and how much people's identities are wrapped up in their personal politics. If people actually voted the proposed policies in play rather than the person, I think we'd all be doing a lot better... and for that I blame the media representation and desperation for advertising revenue and clicks.

Hahaha, for the record (and should be obvious here) I am also a grumpy old man. I look forward to sharing a porch with you and some rocking chairs yelling at the mutants to get off our dirt patch.


Elderly abuse is a big problem. Lots of companies target old people making them purchase stuff they do not need at all, it is regular companies, even banks, This is clearly a permitted scam.

Then, there is also family abuse. Some people use their retired parents as babysitters as if it was their responsibility. Most Grandparents Love to spend time with their grandchildren, but not to the point where it becomes a non paying daily job

Lots of companies target old people making them purchase stuff they do not need at all, it is regular companies, even banks,

They target my father in law like this. It is sad, but my wife and her sister don't want to take his control away - even though he has lost it himself.

Most Grandparents Love to spend time with their grandchildren, but not to the point where it becomes a non paying daily job

I think it should be a paid job!
People who babysit their grandkids can get extra money for their retirement, so that the parents can concentrate on other things as well. A bit like in tribal society where the elders taught the young, while the parents hunted and gathered.

US government is making itself irrelevant as a governing body, because it has turned policy making into a spectator sport

Politicians are killing each other there I agree, epidemic of assassinations nothing scientific about that either.

Onlookers treat voting like the "Greatest Show On Earth" yet who comes out the other end richer, smiling or happy? I'll join the grumpy old septuagenarian clan,later octogenarian, knowing our history!

@tipu curate

I probably won't live to older age like that - and I think I am okay with it, looking at where the world is headed.

Trying to keep away from drudge/dread, positive vibes enjoyed last night Slug Session toe tapping good fun.

World has gone crazy, only solution is to give the young ones a stable attitude, ability to problem solve.

The entire political scene over here is a goat rope of criminal proportions. I felt like I was watching two old dudes arguing in a nursing home. At one time we considered ourselves the leaders of the free world. The only thing we are leading is in reality TV bullshit, starting with our politics and its governance.

Like Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon...

The only thing we are leading is in reality TV bullshit, starting with our politics and its governance.

The more irrelevant governments become, the more relevant decentralized governance becomes.

It is funny to see such persons rule a country in the world.

"Rule" - I don't think either of them are leading anything - they are being managed.

By the famous families?

If isolationist Trump is elected, expect Japan, South Korea, Poland, the Nordic countries maybe together with the Baltics - and Australia to be forced to acquire nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them to their targets in Russia and China. That would be a serious warning against having a single point of failure when it comes to strategic deterrence.

When the bombs drop - I hope they hit my house.

The way to stop that is to elect a non-Trump. In this case, that someone would be Joe Biden despite him falling short of successfully calling out Trump's non-stop stream of lies yesterday. Many America Firsters don't understand one thing, which is that if isolationism wasn't workable a century ago, it will be even less workable now. This is because of global nuclear proliferation. If nuclear threats are seen as a working foreign policy tool, you can rest assured all manner of rogue states will try that, forcing everyone else to get their own nukes if the US abdicates its role as the provider of a nuclear umbrella for the West.

Trump's previous term was a bit of a shit show only salvaged by the adults in the room so to speak. Trump has vowed to kick them all out of all government bureaucracies in his quest to destroy the "deep state". God help us all if that unhinged idiot is elected.

I hope you never get abused brother, and you're definitely a cool ass old man to me. hehehehe but honestly it's disheartening to see how society treats its elders. We should prioritize respect and care for older people, not turn their challenges into a spectacle or some game.

My dear bro @tarazkp !

I assumed you were worried about getting fired from your job!😯

I'm really not sure what could be done to stop this political mess at the moment, except maybe requiring all candidates to prove their physical and mental fitness to fill the office. Maybe create a special medical board for the purpose?

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Elderly abuse is rampant and in every way of life. They are usually the ones being scammed the most. Another sad thing is how some countries don’t pay them their pension which is very much needed
This happens very well in my country

This is a problem that people don't talk about around the world.

Elderly abuse is something rampant that has been happening since a long time but we haven’t spoken up enough
It can start from here though…

There are no good choices in the US right now. I will probably either not vote or vote for some last minute third party candidate.

As soon as I saw the title, I had a feeling it will be about the recent US debate, and I was right. Good thing I didn't watch it, since it seemed to be a dumpster fire according to those who did. Biden was difficult to hear and hard to understand at times. Trump was lying a lot, and the organizers didn't even fact check him. It was a poor showing all around.

Elders abuse is just a matter that I don't even know why they continue doing such, not just people in political positions or prominent positions even elders in the village abuse young ones not minding the emotional effects of what they say, and most times is being said that they have mental health issues, I don't really think I believe that 100%

US government is making itself irrelevant as a governing body, because it has turned policy making into a spectator sport, rather than a function of wellbeing improvement for citizens.

It is truly sickening. I need to get off this sinking ship even if it has the best entertainment in the world. The cost is getting out of control and I wouldn't mind slowing down a bit. The hustle in NYC is no joke... just look at those actifit reports! The circus needs to stop so govt officials can get back to work, but at this point it is all owned by businesses that pay them to do their bidding.
