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RE: Collateral damage

in Reflections4 months ago

Oooh gag! The world is a disgusting place. If you actually think about it, we just aren't safe at all. We can do everything within our power to remain healthy, but unless you live in a bubble, you're going to be touching things that a thousand other people have handled before you. I don't know what the stats are for those who don't wash regularly, but odds are, it's greater than we'd like.

Isn't it the job of parents and child rearers to instruct the young on sanitation and disease prevention?....leave it to the government to think they're doing an even half-assed job. lol, now where the hell did I leave my bubble??


I think the education is there, it happens (mostly) but some people just don't care. It's disgusting. Also, kids will follow the lead from parents and if they have bad habits.. well, so will the kids. Disgusting fuckers.