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RE: Where did we go wrong?

in Reflections5 months ago


I was fortunate enough to be able to home school my kids for about 6 years starting in 2016. Middle and elementary, the oldest wanted to go to high school so we let her go, the rest did the same when they got to that age.

There are many caring folks working in the public school system, frankly, I don't know how they keep battling upstream with that passion day after day. Parents are idiots. The government does not care about the schools, other than making sure they keep pumping out worker-bees that don't question anything.

Post-covid school is more lax than EVER!

Kudos to you and @mrsbozz (mostly @mrsbozz, from the sound of it 😆) for hanging in there and fighting the good fight for these school kids that seem to be more of an afterthought for most people.



I honestly don't know why some people even have kids. It's pretty horrible. Get a friend or better yet a dog if you want companionship. At least own up to the fact that it's a job and it's one you need to take responsibly being a parent.