Interesting, sometimes when people focus too much on procedures for personal time, they never come out of that rabbit hole (like Howard Hughes). But I Know you aren't discussing that here.
I have spent years designing process and production equipment to drive down cost, while enhancing quality, so I think that way as a matter of course.
I use my time different that most. While I'm writing this, I have an herbal video playing; and I'm learning a lot! If I wasn't tired, I'd likely be reading too; but three things at once on technically demanding stuff is usually my limit. Easier stuff and four is normal, so my efficiency is odd!
But each person must find the path that works best for themselves, and each will be different!
Your time metric hits close to home, I'm fighting cancer right now and fortunately the herbs and prayers are winning! But it does change my perspective on time use....
As a side note, the term spending time is very accurate. Time is like coinage, once spent we can never get it back; and the coinage is limited! Spend it wisely and deliberately!!!!
As long as one is present in their life I don't think it matters how they find efficiency and productivity, or fulfillment unless that fulfillment comes at the expense of someone else. Floating along through hit seems wasteful to me, as does spending time in ways that aren't conducive to a best-life situation. I also think it's important to understand that it will come to an end, for me that helps me get better value from what I have at my disposal.
It is finite, and I'm beginning to wonder if GOD will call the game soon! Studying prophecy more lately, with the Euphrates River drying up....
But time is life, so spend it wisely! Been sleeping better, so today was a three at once day again.
BTW, what was the name of the ballistic calculator that had the Gamo pellet rifle in its data base?
Thanks, I'll go look! Did you like my EV post?
I haven't seen it yet, I've been away doing some stuff and a little out of touch, working to keep ahead of my own account but I will for sure. ✅
Take care of yourself, all else is unimportant by comparison!