Memories of Kauai

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

The Garden Isle - The island of Kauai is the oldest occupied Hawaiian Island in the 120 plus archipelego in the Pacific Ocean.

  • It is the most windward island and is literally the tip of the spear inserted into all the rain clouds coming to Hawaii, so it gets the most rain of any island.
  • It gets so much rain that it is actually the home of the only Rain FOrest in the United States...
  • Crazy RIght? You probably didn't know there was a rain forest in the United States!
  • The Mountain Called Mount Waialeale is the specific location of this rainforest and it gets the most rainful of any spot in the USA.



  • So as you can imagine the island is very green and thickly covered with forests and plants.
  • It also has an abundance of rivers and streams as the water falls onto the mountains flows downhill to the ocean.
  • The mountains are high enough to rwach into the clouds, and as a result rain on the mountain tops flows down hill causing flash floods and in a matter of minutes converts small bubbling streams into raging rivers. This is beautiful, but causes drownings every year when people enjoying a quite day in a shallow stream or river are sudden deluged by a raging river overflowing it's banks and sometimes peoiple drown.





Waimea Valley



  • Sorry about the sad entry about the rivers and streams, but no description of Kauai is complete without this warning.
  • Beyond this obvious river and stream risk the island is simply beautiful and very sparsely populated.
  • Additionally it has a small version of the Grand Canyon called Waimea Valley
  • It appears varved out of a volcano or a mountain, because it was created by thougsands of years of water erosian, similar to or exactly like the famous Grand canyon on the USA North American Continent.'
  • You drive up literally into the clouds to see it. And you can also hike down into the valley and camp on your way to the beautiful ocean.

Napali Coast

  • This is a beautiful place where the mountains come down to the sea, and you see sheer several hundred foot walls representing the end of the mountains, with deep water erosian grooves, which look like the fingers of a giant dug out long furrows from the top to the bottom of the mountain face.
  • It''s amazingly beautiful and very picturesque


North Shore ; big Wave Surfing

  • The North Shore of Kauai, the northern part of the island, is home to legandary ocean waves and beaches which are good for surfing.
  • The northgshore of Oahu is world famus for the Banzai Pipeline and the yearly or annual Big Wave Surfing contest, which atracts surfers literally from around the world.
  • Wining this contest makes you one of the most famous surfers in the world, and guarantees you thousands of dollars in product endorsements, literally rich and famous.
  • The North Shore of Kauai has waves as big, but not consistently big and much elss crowded.
  • Surfing requires a cobination of large waves, protective reef, sparse sharks and sparse jelly fish.
  • These things protect the surfers from both the ocean and it's inhabitants which eat things as small as humans.
  • LOL
  • In Hawaii we say the ocean is beautiful, but never turn your back on it, while your at the beach. People get swept off shoreside cliffs and the beach in Hawaii when waves go from 4 feet to 20 feet randomly.




  • Come visit, swim, sun, hike, eat good foods and enjoy
  • Aloha--s


HereThis post was written by @shortsegments , a writer on Hive for six years. You can read other articles written by shortsegments by clicking



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Hawaii is pretty cool.

Yes, it is amazing in some areas.

I went to Oahu a couple times for work. I didn't like it. Big cities, bad traffic, everything California expensive. I thought a vacation would be much better spent in Central America or something. But I got invited to see the big Island by some locals I was working with, and man, that place was AWESOME! It was still expensive, but I think it was worth it because it was so beautiful. They had a jungle, a desert, a mountain, a beach. It was just cool. The people were nice and calm too. Not like all the rush and rudeness of Oahu.

Oahu is the opposite of the other places. The name means “gathering place” in the Hawaiian language. And people have gathered here. Over 60% of the entire state live on Oahu. So it’s pretty congested in and around Honolulu.

This place is beautiful and serene.

Kauai is a beautiful green place. It is not as populated as Oahu and the infrastructire is limited due to the small population, but if you have a car and money for gas you can drive the entire island and enjoy all the views.

This island will be very favorable for farming because of the abundance of rain

Indeed it's crops are great and plentiful

The place is beautiful