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RE: No Shit!

in Reflections2 months ago

Unless an election results to a landslide victory, there will always be what-ifs.

I wonder if the Philippines would follow the same electoral college system, would we get better results as compared to a National popular vote?

I think I would rather see the results based on how states/regions vote rather than just a consolidated result. It gives a better read on which areas follow a certain ideology rather than just a generic 'majority rules' concept. Especially nowadays in the age of social media where popular vote literally is based on one's popularity rather than credibility.

The Swing states then mean something, it is definitely what the aspiring candidates should persuade and strategize about. It can help candidates reflect on reasons why such states are kind of 'undefined' yet. The 'loyal' states are the boring ones unless there will be a sudden wind of change that would make the results interesting.


No only if people are corrupt disputes can happen