Learn to Advance.

in Reflections8 months ago

Learn to Advance.

Hello friends of this community; How many times have we felt anger with our loved ones at home, because that usually happens or the other way around from home to work, we have to use our emotions to our advantage so that we do not carry problems from your home to work, or from work to your home, and it doesn't matter where you are.

And a first aspect to achieve this is not to worry so much about what others will say about you, no matter what you do, people will talk, they will say that you are wrong, that you are following the wrong path, because each person has their own map in their head, their own map of success, their own map of competence and this map is formed through the personal experiences of each one and the existential crises or the type of crisis that each one has experienced and that is how it is.

Each person has their own map and usually people will show you their own map, telling you that you are doing something wrong, for example, They will tell you that you should not study this career that you should open your business instead or that instead of opening your own business you should work for someone else; Maybe they will tell you that you should be more responsible with your money or on the contrary that you are focusing too much on money or some may tell you that you are neglecting your health and others will tell you that you are focusing too much on physical exercise and health. diet is being very extreme.

“How can you go to the gym on a Friday night?” I know it, because no matter where you go, there will always be people who tell you that you are going in the opposite direction; This happens most often when we do not listen to our inner voice, our wonderful inner voice.

The more you criticize yourself based on other people's map and the more you take everything your parents tell you at face value, remember that they have their own map too, a map that often didn't work even for them. them, but they want you to follow that map even out of love, that is, they do not do it out of evil, even so, you can look at that map and say "this map does not represent me", so be careful not to pay excessive attention to the opinions of other people, even if they love you, listen more to your powerful inner voice.

The second point is not to compare yourself so much with other people, it is amazing what social networks have brought to our lives, not so much good things as bad things and one of the bad things is the constant comparison, perhaps you find yourself comparing your life with the of your friend or comparing your life with that of someone famous, whether in the area of your life at the level of success, at the professional level, at the level of you at the personal level, your intimate relationships, for example with people who are on a completely different page in the book of life.

The more you compare your results, in your “weight loss” process (for example) with someone who has a totally different metabolism than yours, a totally different body than yours, a different diet, the more difficult it will be for you; If I compare myself with people who are making better publications, different content will be more difficult for me and although I know that there is still a lot to improve, it is from the next publication that I can continue making improvements.

Every time we forget we must remember the phrase of the only person with whom you should compare yourself is with yourself from yesterday, the idea is to ask yourself “today I did better than yesterday”, “Today I trained a little better than yesterday”, “Today I have read a little better than yesterday”, “I have eaten healthier than yesterday”, “I have been more productive or recorded and published a little better than yesterday”.

Our small daily decisions if we do a little better every day for 6 months, a year, 10 years, imagine the big change we will see.

What happened to you, your entire past has shaped you and that is why you are where you are, and you are the person you are today, if those things had not happened to you, you would not be who you are today; Everything that happens in life has two sides, one bad or negative that you may be used to and that you may be clinging to and another that is good and positive. When I talk about positive good, I don't mean being happy all the time or being that person. extremely positive toxic positivism but to be able to see both sides of the situation with more calm and with more understanding, more tranquility.

For example, when you go to pick up your car and you see that the door is scratched, you can look at it in a different way and say instead of feeling bad, say “that's good for that, to use it, it's a car, I'm not going to leave it either.” kept in my garage”, only people who use cars would worry and think about car scratches, because think, how many people do you know who don't even have a car and are worried about scratches from other people's cars, for example, I mean it's That this allows you to see the situation as something positive and a reminder of your blessings instead of regrets, you can tell yourself well it's just a scratch on my car I can fix it.

Only people with cars would worry about this, in the same way when you face challenges in your work or in your business, instead of seeing them as exclusive problems you can consider them as opportunities to improve your communication skills, to train and improve the people in your team to strengthen your relationships with others, then changing the way you see the events in your life or any experience can influence how you perceive the world and that will help you a lot to face situations from a much more positive perspective, much more constructive.

So think about how to deal with each feeling.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed my content. If you have any questions, concerns, concerns or suggestions let me know in the comments section.

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May it be very good!