The illusion of time.
Hello friends of this community, this publication is for people who find it difficult to adapt to changes, or feel that your past weighs too much on you, or if you are someone who gets easily distressed by anything.
I want to start by telling you something fundamental and that is that time as we know it is not real and I talk about this topic at the outset because understanding it can free you from many worries and disappointments, when I talk about time I am not referring to the hours or days of the calendar, but to time in our mind, to psychological time.
We human beings tend to generate unnecessary suffering through the illusion of time, because we perceive time linearly, that is, past, present and future, but in reality the past and the future only exist in our heads, let me explain. , the past is nothing more than a set of memories stored in our mind and the future is a series of scenarios that we imagine and project, in essence the only thing that truly exists is the present.
Many people get trapped in their memories or overwhelmed by what is to come, believing that the past defines their current situation and that the future will ensure them a dream life, but this thought only prevents us from enjoying what is truly crucial: the here and now. ”, it may sound cliché, but honestly there is something more essential than concentrating on the present, if you think about it, the past is already gone, there is nothing you can do to change it and the future does not yet exist, it is just a mirage or an illusion in your mind, something that has not yet materialized.
Your past does not determine your future
One of my favorite phrases is “I don't have to be the same person I was 5 minutes ago”, that is really liberating, because it allows you to constantly reinvent yourself; If you made a mistake yesterday, that's fine, you can't correct it, not yesterday, not tomorrow, not next year, but you can do something about it today, in the present; The key is to live in the present and it is sad to see so many people living locked in their thoughts without realizing that they are trapped in their mind, they are far from the real world and all the palpable opportunities that they could change and enjoy in their lives.
When I talk about the past I am not only referring to the memories and difficult experiences you have had, but also to the beliefs, to the ways of thinking that no longer contribute anything to you, surprisingly 98% of your thoughts today are a repetition of those of yesterday, those of the day before, last week, last month and this makes change seem so complicated.
So how can we change something that we think and experience every day, if I asked you what the saddest day was, you might remember it, right, in the same way that if I asked you what the happiest day of your life was, you would probably remember it too. , because in both cases you experience very intense emotions, every time we experience something shocking that awakens our deep emotions, our brain captures that moment and records it in our memory, which is why those moments remain so clear in our memory.
The problem is that many people suffer or feel stuck because they believe they are trapped in their past, they say things like “Oh no, I can't change because I have always been like this” or “this happened to me and I can't leave it behind”, no. I am not here to belittle anyone's pain or trauma, but I want to show you that it is not necessary to relive your past daily, nor allow it to dictate your actions, and your past does not determine your future.
When you constantly relive or think about a past event you awaken the same emotions that you felt back then, your brain forms memories from the emotions, so, if you evoke those same emotions when thinking about the past, your brain assumes that you are experiencing that situation again and this then creates a vicious cycle, a memory triggers an emotion, you feel that emotion and remember the event and so on.
The person literally ends up trapped in their past which is very sad, some people get stuck projecting a future simply because they are not using their brain effectively, rather it is the brain that is using them, your brain is a tool, they are not you, nor are they your thoughts, nor are they your emotions, so completely identifying with them is limiting.
If lemons fall from the sky, learn to make lemonade
Defining yourself in concrete terms is like locking yourself in a little box, in a mental prison, the only way to break this cycle is to accept, accept your past, no matter how painful, sad, or beautiful it has been, you should not completely identify with it. your past experiences, rather you must understand that what you are now is not limited by what you have been before.
So it is essential to accept that what happened has already happened, part of accepting the past also implies accepting the present, accepting does not mean agreeing with what happened, nor justifying it, for example, if you feel betrayed and consider that betrayal unacceptable, it is It is valid to feel this way, however, you must evaluate whether it is worth sacrificing more of your peace of mind, your time, your energy by maintaining that resentment.
It is really worth it to dedicate time and energy to something that no longer brings you anything positive and that in fact makes you feel worse, so free yourself from the time.
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May it be very good!
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!