Gene Key 23. ☶☷“Splitting Apart.” ☯️ “Assimilation.”

in Reflections8 months ago (edited)

Gates 23-43. Channel Of Structuring.

Gene Key 23. ☶☷“Splitting Apart.” ☯️ “Assimilation.” ~~~ Yet another binary in its names, expressive of yet more polarity.

Another fractal rollercoaster ride of study & direct experience upgrading consciousness of the dynamics of life as they play out through the holographic projection of The Program via genetic code…

“Line 1 days set the tone of the hexagram…” This round, I discovered what Dylan knew when spoke of channeling a module while sitting on the earth, in the sun: in hammock by lake, bare feet grounding on earth, Kendrick Lamar & Sofiane Pamart in headphones - there’s something about intimate connection with/to the earth conducive to study & contemplation, linking straight into the frequencies of nature for direct transmission (after all our Splitting Away in man-ufactured houses, offices & cars). FLOW. Perhaps even grazing on QUINTESENCE & EPIPHANY as INSIGHT streamed in so effortlessly, connecting dots & neural-networks between the written information and observational awareness of the energies behind the words, Complexity of mind bypassed as grounding into moments of Knowing. An ‘image/metaphor’ came, exemplifying one fractal (of infinite) of the 23-43:


Like a single lightning bolt, containing the unified totality of a transmission… split into fragments… its shards channeled down through many humans across space & time…

Each translate their receiving through filters… each translation, translated again over centuries, distorted through frequencies of fear and misunderstandings as mind overcomplexifies as attempting to understand… yet further fragmentation, Interference, and disorder in shadow states as the Quintessence of the original unified transmission splits apart further…

‘Why different translations of the I Ching seem so disparate, Dislocated. Why the fantacism of so many different religions Addicted to dogma and in conflict over whose God is the real God. Why the Entropy of energy into the black holes of Shadows; man in mind sinking deeper into rationalizations, man in “spirituality” floating further into abyss of ungrounded Neptunian realms - both chasing understanding/enlightenment.’

Yet only through Simplification, may one ever find their way ‘back,’ Returning to Quintessence.

Splitting Away from conditioned habits & programmed spells perpetuating division & distortion of all those shards of Truth, still a single whole in the quantum.

Assimilation of the lessons in 64 genetic keys to unlock quantum consciousness of that single unified lightning bolt of transmission. ⚡️☯️🧬


No sooner than it came, did I slip back into the shadows of COMPLEXITY. Jumping between I Ching translations on iPad and attempting to organize them for easier crossreferencing, the flow vanished and awareness arose of the COMPLEXITY. As inspired by Emily’s outlook last week on the Shadow & Siddhi as polarities, unlocking the Gift when in balance - those couple hours grounding in hammock as studying/contemplating gave a glimpse of all three in action. Attempting to duplicate the flow on Day (line) 2, a few more Insights came. Then… 🤷‍♂️ Whether fried from 1.5h under the auroras & integrating or part of the 23-43 journey, energies shifted. The mind still kinda chased COMPLEXITY - while the energies seemed to only allow SIMPLICITY, no matter the resistance. Though surely, some DISLOCATION (2) present as given the contrast from experience in INSIGHT, EPIPHANY & QUINTESSENCE gleaned earlier… “DEAFNESS” -> seemingly nothing to hear in the Silence. (Though perhaps such experience was part of the ‘lesson’ - SPLITTING APART from that Gift/Siddhi experience, having to (re)Assimilate with/from it.) Or maybe INSIGHT still came, though not as markedly dramatic, with its SIMPLICITY.

One, noteworthy: the awareness of how ‘compartmentalized’ I had viewed the gates/channels previously, thinking of/about them mostly in context of when a person has them defined or activated by transits, as though less relevant otherwise. Oh, nooooo. Though having 23-43 undefined, I could see how frequently its themes have played out in my own life. How much hardship caused regularly with misalignments of timing & expression, creating distortion & Interference through blurting out things at the wrong time (whether ending up some variation of the “freak” or not). As well as seeing the same in others. How often the lessons of & wisdom in the 23-43 could be implemented - not just when activated by transits or defined, but what an integral part of the human experience they are ALL of the time. How much more harmoniously life could flow - both in personal experience and collectively - if/when attuned to the cycles, exercising restraint when appropriate, and conducting ourselves accordingly as transforming circumstances require different approaches. (Honouring the COMPLEXITY of details of all those diverse circumstances & dynamics, while adopting SIMPLICITY in flowing through the transformations harmoniously.)

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Another: the fractal nature of these archetypal patterns the hexagram symbolize, repeating in a wide spectrum of fractal variations. Individual mutative forces SPLITTING APART from the group ~ ASSIMILATING again in correct timing & STRUCTURING. Man/woman SPLITTING APART from his/her True Self (via ego, programmed beliefs, etc) ~ offered the opportunity to ASSIMILATE lessons & wisdom of the experience, SPLIT APART from his own & collective egos, and RETURN once again with fruit/seeds for a new start (OR not, if missing the opportunity for fusion & breakthrough). The “big bang” of ONE consciousness SPLITTING APART into countless fractal crystals (STRUCTURED with an awe-inspiring precision & detail), Individual aspects undergoing their own mutative processes and giving expression to new, unique viewpoints ~ ASSIMILATED back into the Whole of the collective consciousness; individuals ASSIMILATING pieces of the Cosmic puzzle throughout their journeys, unlocking higher levels of quantum consciousness as increasing frequency of the 64 Gene Keys.

Each REPEATING (24) cycle of mis-timed expression and consequential rejection (Split Apart from desired intentions and connection with others) containing seeds of guidance for how to reposition from freak to genius - DEAF to the wisdom, or opening to INSIGHT. ADDICTED in loops of COMPLEXITY, or spiraling upwards with refinement of awareness & increasing SIMPLICITY. Perpetual opportunities in all sorts of different forms to ASSIMILATE the elements of NOURISHMENT (27) required to Return to the SIMPLICITY of our True Selves & harmony of Cosmic Order each time we’ve Split Apart from our integrity, purpose, and clarity.
And, the opportunities & cycles in which to SPLIT APART from convention, outdated collective beliefs & patterns. To seed mutative INSIGHT through our individual expression… in correct alignment, timing and STRUCTURING. Which in the highest expression, might serve not only to bring SIMPLICITY where Interference of shadow frequencies has created COMPLEXITY, but refine the consciousness of those reached with it - clearing space for perception of direct immersion in the QUINTESSENCE of both the INSIGHT/EPIPHANY expressed and that of the larger UNITY, TOTALITY, God-nature, Cosmic Order, Siddhi frequency, etc, etc.

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This human journey through The Program is quite the ride.

Indeed, there’s a great deal of COMPLEXITY consequential of SPLITTING AWAY from the Cosmic Order. Though seems it’s part of the package, an ongoing rite of passage. There’s ALOT of trial & error in the process of attuning to nature’s cycles, much stumbling through hard lessons as the freak when time-blind, much danger when SPLITTING AWAY too far for too long from integrity, much disorder when DEAF to the INSIGHT & counsel offered through a clear, undistorted frequency - through which harmonious ORIENTATION (2) occurs. Though with these archetypal forces hard-wired into our genetics, whether defined in our charts or not, it’s part of the game/deal.

Inevitably, we’re all here to express some of our Individual insight at some time or another - and bringing them in/through a STRUCTURING conducive to effective transmission. We’ll all probably SPLIT APART from our ‘highest path’ of Cosmic alignment countless times and, (the other polarity: SPLITTING APART from ego), (re)ASSIMILATE again. So goes the dance of life. Though it probably IS a whole lot smoother & enjoyable as seizing those mutative opportunities of the 6 line, reducing COMPLEXITY in favour of SIMPLICITY when possible, and SPLITTING APART from the conditioned influences that have DEAFEND us to the INSIGHT of how/where to harmonize with the cycles of transformation.

Or some shit. Maybe I’m still overcomplicating it... 🤷‍♂️😹💫🙏

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(I attempted translating the imagery with CoPilot / DALLE-3's AI art generator and couldn't quite get there, but these are some decent results that happened along the way)




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