Gene Key #1 ~ The Creative: Election Season

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

Scorpio season. Election season.

Gate/hexagram/GeneKey 44 leading into #1.

44 - Interference - Teamwork - Synarchy
1 - Entropy - Freshness - Beauty

And the polarity of Sun in #1, the most yang of all, with Earth in #2, the most yin of all. These two positions in the galactic clockwork, the prime forces of opposites.

2 - Dislocation - Orientation - Unity

It’s been fascinating observing these energies/themes at play, upfront in the spotlight as the world’s (arguably) most influential country reached its presidential election event…


Observations began in 44. With expectations.

Expectations conditioned by consensus opinions, past experience, and cognitive biases. Expectations of what the 44 shadow of INTERFERENCE would/could look like.

Those unplugged from the propaganda machines likely know the last election results were “questionable,” to say the least. (And, should anyone care to examine reasons.) In the months leading up to this one, there was much anticipation of the same types of election INTERFERENCE fuckery being attempted; and days prior, reports were coming to light suggesting such. And for quite some time, a large number of astrologers (and ‘channelers’) spoke in tandem with this outlook, suggesting there might not even be an election - or at the least, it’d be reasonable to expect holdups, delays in votes being counted, or other types of INTERFERENCE with the process. Oh boy, was I ever kinda surprised when the official results came in the night of. Lol. Not at the results themselves - it was apparent the tide was turning powerfully - just that it actually went down so smoothly & quickly. Perhaps a marker that while we had that collective experience of INTERFERENCE 4 years ago, we’ve leveled up the vibration to that of correct ORIENTATION since.

And for clarification here: the perspectives here in are NOT coming from that of the traditional “left vs. right,” “him vs. her” outlook. There’s enough damn divisive rhetoric catering to such polarized thinking out there already. Though, it may take a bit longer to clarify where this IS coming from - classic ABSTRACT circuitry/dynamics, the meaning only revealed at the end. In the meantime, bear in mind a context of ‘left/right’ not solely in terms of political parties and textbook descriptions of what they’re supposed to stand for, but moreso that of the left LOGICAL brain and that of the right’s holistic, “spiritual,” higher vantage point.

And of course - as per the sheer beauty & precision of The Program’s mechanics - along with certain collective expectations of how the 44’s shadow of INTERFERENCE might/could/would play out in the main stage political theatre, we had some absolutely brilliant exemplifications/embodiments of the Gift: TEAMWORK.

To keep things somewhat fairly balanced here, let’s ‘entertain’ (pun intended) its demonstration on both sides.

On the “right,” we’ve witnessed a challenge to what political “right” even IS anymore, as droves formerly ‘supporting the left’ swung to ‘the other side…’ for reasons requiring a vast expansion of conventional outlooks.

Whether major figures as Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., Elon Musk and Joe Rogan, or the countless men & women without clout who took to social media to share their reasons for being repelled by the distorted logic and corrupted values of propagandized leftist ideology & dogma that has mutated from the classic versions of healthy progressive & liberal views many could once commend, drawn instead to the integrity, common sense, and values not just spoken to, but embodied by an increasing number of people “on the right,” this changing tide was not just about divisive “right versus left” rhetoric and a fight against “the other,” but an evolving spirit and vision of what might/could come through transcending such label-based division and coming together in TEAMWORK.

(As per Gene Key 1’s Gift of FRESHNESS,) there was an emerging collective consensus that one key premise of conventionally-politically-left philosophy was absolutely essential: CHANGE… and the “woke” ideologies and their pervasiveness into institutional systems is NOT the type of change that serves the majority of people. That in spite of what “left” and “right” traditionally” meant and stood for, with things as they are in current times, there existed greater opportunity to change the game itself by abandoning loyalty to parties and simply align with the vehicle with the highest likelihood of getting us “back on track” to an embodiment of the values the majority agrees upon - just as democracy is supposed to be. (And let’s be real: RFK Jr. and Elon Musk alone bringing their experience & expertise to the TEAM is getting off on a pretty damn epic start.)

On the left, well surely there was some teamwork there too, no doubt. I mean, just looks at all the celebrity endorsements.

Yeah, Trump’s three hour long-form conversation on Joe Rogan was legendary - and Kamala’s refusal to also go on the biggest podcast in the world, understandable, given her absolute bombing of the few short interviews she did, having stumbled through serving barely-coherent word-salad and scripted responses. But surely, what “the people” wanted was the approval of Hollywood’s top MK-Ultra’d pop stars up on a podium performing scripted endorsements. Who cares about a candidate’s capability to hold an actual intelligent 3-hour conversation with real people, when you got Cardi B - an ex-stripper who notoriously drugged & robbed men prior to rising as rapper of the hit single, “Wet Ass Pussy” - on stage telling you who to vote for (amidst the awkward moments improvising/delaying while the teleprompter went out).

Certainly, it took some TEAMWORK to orchestrate the campaign of offering influencers $$$ to promote Kamala. And ya gotta commend all the usual attendees of the Diddy parties - including his right-hand woman of two years, J. Lo - for coming out of the woodwork to dance & sing “in support of.” Surely had nothing to do with all those sex tapes from the parties used for blackmail which have been breaking the news the last few months. Just some good ol’ fashioned TEAMWORK.

Nothing says “democracy” quite like buying celebrity mouthpieces - whether with $$ or blackmail - does it?

Of course, perhaps here we see more of that INTERFERENCE at play. Not the same scale/scope of tampering with the technical voting systems themselves this time, but that of weaponized propaganda. Interference with an organic process of healthy human debate as the manipulation of appearance through the use of corporate media pushing scripted narratives meticulously designed to maximize manipulative emotional impact; the attempted programming of perception utilizing the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex - aiming to influence public opinion via mouthpieces of (oddly-perceived) “authorities” and cultural figures, who themselves have been coerced through extortion. (Note Usher having previously spoken his authentic belief on an interview that who he supports politically in no one’s biz, only to flip and come out main stage at a Kamala event - in the midst of his being spotlighted as one of the top figures in all the Diddy scandals… INTERFERENCE…?)

Good ol’ SCORPIO season - the Sun shining light into the shadows of psychology and use of ‘resources.’

The left having blown a billion dollars on a marketing campaign, pushing ideologies that pushed their supporters away, believing they could buy their continuation in office with celebrity endorsements from professional pretenders, singers & dancers and gifting illegal immigrants perks at the expense of actual Americans struggling to pay rent & buy groceries - more $ thrown into entropic holes of misguided theories & manipulative tactics, DISLOCATED from the actual needs & wants of the majority of citizens. Having gone so far with expenditures for their fancy circuses, vendors - the actual people working to support them - haven’t been getting paid… while Trump addresses the absolute failure with a true generous spirit of TEAMWORK recommending Republicans pick up the bill for the sake of UNITY in ensuring all Americans are taken care of.

And from the 44 Shadow, to the Gift, to the Siddhi of SYNARCHY… perhaps we can see the perfection of that SYNARCHY - not necessarily tangibly evident here on the ground as zoomed into either party’s dramas, but from the higher vantage point of where it ALL fits together in the larger design.

Where each “side” plays their part, in perfect counterbalance to the other.

Where the changing tides are revealed as in perfect timing of life’s larger evolutionary cycles, with each player playing their Divine role, each team undertaking its own necessary plays for a variety of reasons not able to be seen as locked in cognitive biases limiting perception of the vastly larger soul game.

Where it isn’t as simple as the 3D divisive “good vs. bad” paradigm of one side pointing fingers at the other, but the complexity of Scorpio’s watery psychological depths, establishing & violation of boundaries provide the necessary catalysts for alchemical transcendence as undertaking the shadow work invited through the reflections of men & women one tribal belief system condemns as focusing on limited facts which another puts them on pedestals as confirmation bias directs focus to another set of limited facts… both incomplete unto their own; TEAMWORK rooted in shadow frequencies distorting logic & perception as creating INTERFERENCE of clear receiving/transmission of Truth; opportunity awaiting those choosing to embrace all existing between the ends of the spectrum and the compassion for each soul’s journey in the Grand.Organizing.Design (G.O.D.) of all ours’ weaving together in SYNARCHY extending backwards & forwards in time and across the other 11 dimensions.

And then…

For election day itself, the Sun moved into gate / hexagram / Gene Key #1: The Creative.


While it’s been far easier for many to see the mainstream media propaganda machine at work pushing leftist ideology & agendas, for the sake of remaining somewhat “fair & balanced,” it may be essential to at least acknowledge that many of the same principles discussed herein coming from a “right-leaning” bias may also be commonly spoken of in similar ways from the “left.” That in spite of a heavy weaponization of language & ideology that’s been increasingly common in leftist propaganda in recent years especially, there may at least be some half-truths within some of it - which in a limited context, do make sense in justifying collective/tribal beliefs. In spite of what may appear from one level as a “right-leaning bias” to much of this outlook, there exist several commonalities no matter ‘left’ or ‘right’ - several similar dynamics of human psychology, both individual & collective/tribal, at play “on each side,” albeit the targets of their projections may be polarized opposites.

And to bear in mind as a critically-important premise for comprehending the larger sets of dynamics addressed herein: it is ultimately an individual’s frequency determining their perceived reality.

For a literal minority, Trump’s win represents a descent into ENTROPY. Omg, some of the mentally-ill liberals throwing temper tantrums on social media. And even amongst “educated” “intellectuals” (conditioned into a specific propagandized worldview), there have been expectations - all rationalized with seemingly sound logic justified with “evidence” fitting programmed confirmation biases - that “Trump in office = chaos.” ENTROPY. Of course, that is what will been seen from the lower-frequency shadow levels (due to both laws of energetics and the corresponding cognitive biases) - and created in their personal experience as engaging at/from that vibrational state, no matter the vastly different reality occuring simultaneously for a larger majority at a higher frequency. And in fair balance, there are surely some "on the right" whose over-optimism in the "win" cloak their fears - perceiving the ENTROPY as "evil" represented by the left, being "fought" by the right... while still being locked into the shadow frequency states themselves.

Meanwhile, there have been an increasing number of people worldwide unplugging from the propaganda machines, doing their shadow work, raising their vibrations whom are seeing an entirely different world wherein Trump’s return to public office is not a loop “back,” but upward spiral not just representative but a direct embodiment of a new chapter where things are different - far from the chaos of entropy, an actual breath of much-needed FRESHNESS. (No matter how loud either leftist haters’ and right-leaning black-pilled doomers may argue otherwise with “facts” to justify their logic.)

From the level of frequency from which come the vast majority of propagandized news - which cherry-picks facts, twists them out of context, and creatively crafts its own agenda-driven narratives around - one can only see so much.

When an individual is plugged into collective/tribal beliefs existing at the Shadow frequency level of fear, there is alot of damn cognitive bias at play. (Perhaps especially - given the political left’s correspondence/alignment with the left brain’s dominant reliance upon logic - whether that logic is sound or not.) And more cognitive biases at play = more information filtered out.

At the Shadow frequency - no matter one’s political leanings left or right - there is only the perception of ENTROPY as not-self shadows grasp for certainty, piecing together bits & pieces of half-facts mixed with biased opinions, strung haphazardly together into twisted storylines not at all representing objective Truth. The influence of fear - both innate and programmed/conditioned through external (propagandized) “authorities” creates tremendous INTERFERENCE in the capacity for one’s perception of a far broader spectrum of information & truth. They cannot see the FRESHNESS of a/this situation - let alone the BEAUTY of the CREATIVE energy’s channeling constructively at the start of a new cycle (which is not at all a loop back, but upward spiral - perhaps only appearing downward when one’s entire perspective is flipped upside down due to the DISLOCATION occuring through the frequency of fear).

And to zoom out from this particular election, we could simply view any U.S. election - occuring the same time every time years as Sun enters gate / hexagram / Gene Key 1 of THE CREATIVE - independently of who is running for what party. Such an event, the opportunity for the core Scorpionic yang force to initiate a nation into a new cycle - whether it be marked with a collective frequency of fear, the ship guided into ENTROPY as the INTERFERENCE of distorted logic and perverted values correspondingly draw from & perpetuate the type of corruption to be expected as effect of engaging in the lower-frequency morphogenic fields, OR reflective/expressive of a rising tide of increasing awareness and its higher vibration as greater numbers of the collective transcend the lower frequencies of (both propagandized and personal) fears and all the corresponding shadows. And/or, utilizing the whole external situations as catalyst for self-reflection on where we’re at in our own journey - whether throwing temper-tantrums & hatefully regurgitating fear-driven talking points or graciously welcoming transformation with appreciation and best wishes for everyone.

And as per how the game works: the higher one rises out of the fear and into the light, the more apparent it becomes not only the FRESHNESS of such a new chapter, but the absolute BEAUTY of it all.

Not just the BEAUTY of “victory” in a “race” or the potentialities & promises of political rhetoric, but the real-time unfoldment of deconditioning yesterday’s whole divisive ‘left versus right’ paradigm and evolution itself as our collective advances through its dark nights of the soul and we witness the results of our inner work reflected in the outer - neither our selves or the external world perfect, but undergoing the processes of hard work and refinement of character to elevate out of the shadows into our higher potentials - condemning no one or nothing in the past, but deeply in awe & appreciation of the Totality of the Grand.Organizing.Design as it expresses through us all in the vast diversity of ways the yin & yang dance & transform over time in Divine flow .


Fascinating times, we’re living through as undertaking our individual & collective awakenings.

Fascinating times indeed, as we each utilize our own CREATIVE energies accordingly - an entire schmorgasbord of BEAUTY in the Scorpionic complexity of shadows & light as some remain in the ENTROPY of lower fear-rooted frequencies while others embody the Gift of FRESHNESS as we undertake our own inner work and contribute to the rising vibration of the whole, following the ORIENTATION of Strategy & Authority in harmony with the Cosmic Order.

Or some shit. What do I know. Maybe this writing was merely an entropic indulgence unto its own, whereas there would be no need at all to voice any of it if truly up in the Siddhi, admiring the BEAUTY of it all in silence. 🤷‍♂️😼

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