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RE: Moving house...I mean home

in Reflections6 months ago

Home is where you and your loved ones can come at any time of the day, and feel safe, at the end of the day.

Even though I am grateful for the roof over our heads and the loved ones that surround us, right now the apartment we are living in doesn't feel like our own. As if there's something missing. We've changed two different locations in the past 4 years, having to move according to the landlords and their orders; there's no freedom there, they do as they wish. Even though I consider it our home because my family is here, the truth is that there's no freedom when renting. We did have our own apartment, a place where both my younger brothers and I grew up. We lived there for over two decades. But due to financial troubles during COVID, we had to sell it.

Now, I just hope to have another place like that apartment, one that I consider a safe haven, a place where my loved ones, and hopefully our future generation can call their own.


I think it's often difficult to feel settled in a property that is rented as there's always the threat of having to move out hanging over one's head making it possibly difficult to settle into it.

I say that is the reason, uncertainty. Yet, I hope that we will soon have a place that we call our own. We are working towards it together.