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RE: Having Kids

in Reflections5 months ago

The experiences you've given both your daughters, dada. These memories will live on forever. Humans will expire, but these photos, the laughter you've all shared, the shenanigans, and the journey itself, will all be cherished as long as the memory can preserve it. And that is my goal as well, to give my family(and of course myself) some of the best experiences so that we live on in memories, and so that we cherish these moments during old age when we can't walk as far or look as high.

My wife will be moving in soon, after completing her master's degree. We're planning on having kids soon, but with where I'm at in life, it's still a little bumpy. We've been married for 4 years now, so if it has to happen it will happen, but I'm just scared for not being capable enough to provide for my family and their future to give them the life that they deserve. Every day it feels as if I have very little time on my hands, especially when I look at my parents and I am pushing 30.

It feels as I've I could've or should've, achieved more by now...


You know what Master Oogway said?

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present"

You should listen to the wise man :)

Trying my best, dada. I've lowered the worries and voices of the past and of the future significantly; as I am trying to focus on the present and the things I can control.

Once in a while, it does bother me a bit; yet, this too shall pass...