I think 'defrag' is a perfect word for it. They say writing a list or a journal helps so no reason why offloading on Hive wouldn't help. Hubs wakes at 3 and can't sleep as his mind is whirring so when it gets bad I put a notepaper and pen by his bed and it works brilliantly.
I don't really have e issues waking up, just the 4 am cortisol rising which seems common to woman my age. Sleep has been a battle these last five years but you know what helps the most? Being out in nature with no fucking phone.
Nothing to do! ;D
I think that nature has a lot of other aspects that help sleep, with physical energy spent, fresh air, a calming effect. It is great. A perhaps weird thing in Finland/nordics, is that babies will nap outside on the balcony/terrace - even when it is -20 :)
Haha yes I was watching some Nordic noir the other day and wondering why they kept leaving their babies outside. People would have a fit over that here - and you know we must watch out for dingos ;)
A squirrel stole my baby!