We live among consequences, is that why we must measure our actions?

in Reflections6 months ago



Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all very well, many people on this planet are very clear that in life there are no instant rewards, but neither punishments, then, we must generate with our actions are consequences, of course, our mission will be to obtain positive consequences to our lives.

Sometimes it is difficult to control many of our actions and much more those that do not depend only on us, however, our job will be to go in search of doing things as best as possible without causing harm or hurting someone, for this we must keep in mind that the actions of others are and will be their responsibility and although in some way we can be involved with their actions if they did not take our advice the consequences will be theirs.

Is it possible for anyone to be able to measure their actions?

Of course it is possible, as long as we think before acting, everything we do we must measure it with caution, sometimes we will have some life experience that will allow us to accelerate our action more than in other things, but, when we are developing some new actions we will have to go with firm steps and testing the ground where we step on.

As the years go by we refine our natural instinct to be cautious with our actions, of course, as long as we begin to think first before acting, this should be the reason for our existence, in many occasions we say or express words or make gestures without measuring what we say or do, and this will bring unpleasant consequences for the people involved.

There will always be a margin for error where both parties can balance their points of view, when this happens, then, the consequences can be guided in the best way by the binding parties, the truth is that we are and will be the product of what we do, that is, of the consequences we generate, it is important to highlight those consequences only by our actions since we could not control collateral consequences that could come from the actions of third parties.

Does life experience help us improve the way we act?

It is possible, or at least the logic would be that way, but nevertheless, each person decides how best to act, that is, we can observe or share with many people around us that despite the years of life are still stuck in following a path of darkness, for example, of negative stubbornness as someone might say that stubbornness could get some positive benefit and I think that is very true.

When we act in any way or activity will bring us some consequence, whether it is a desired or not so desired, the truth is that we will usually try to seek or find positive consequences to our existence as they can also radiate these consequences to those around us, therefore, it will always be vital to be very clear that with the control of our actions we can direct in the best way the consequences that they will bring to our lives.



Until another opportunity my dear friends.