Could our imperfection be considered our greatest virtue as humans?
For nobody it is a secret that we are intrinsically imperfect beings, but, such aspect could be positively justified, I express this because it is not a secret that each of us constantly seek our perfection as a person, or at least, what we consider to be perfect before others, I think that from a generalized point of life and, in relation to everything that surrounds us, imperfection is the aspect that makes us the living species called human beings.
Being imperfect beings we are exposed to make mistakes, and thus, to keep trying as many times as we want to do it until we achieve a certain goal, during this process we can seek the help of another person, that is, it allows us to approach others that we may not even know, to deal with that person, to be interested in his life, that is, to familiarize ourselves in the best way, in short, although in many cases we consider imperfection a negative aspect, I think it is not, at least from the point of view of coexistence.
Someone could imagine life without errors among living beings, where no one would need others to perform any of their daily activities, that is, without any contact, with the passage of time many of us manage to perform some of our activities individually and without the help of anyone, but nevertheless, there will always be some of the activities to perform that we must have the support of someone and that someone at the moment is another human being, and I say at the moment due to the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, developed however by human beings.
Imperfection prevents us from being robotic and emotionless, when someone believes or considers himself perfect, he surely thinks that he will never need anyone and for this reason he isolates himself and becomes an automaton from my point of view, therefore, extracting the most influential characteristics for coexistence as imperfection, and this characteristic makes us first accept ourselves as we are, but, most importantly to accept those around us at the same level of imperfection and willing to improve as much as possible.
We are immersed in an extremely complex universe, but, in spite of this, we are elementary parts of it, a universe that we consider perfect, however, seen from our imperfection look, maybe we do not have the ability to know if this characteristic of imperfection is possessed by the universe and which is an aspect inherited by this space to us, the truth is that if the universe is perfect and we are not, we are in permanent contact with it and somehow or other way we are an essential part of it, therefore, we can say without complex that we are perfectly imperfect beings.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.