It is very important to share with our loved ones as these moments are unique and fill us with a lot of positive energy, especially when we are surrounded by many children.

Really the joy of any family are their children, so when they are together we want to have them always, but it is also important to enjoy the company of other people such as grandmothers.

A smile radiates positivism and joy at all times, so moments like these are priceless, many people live so busy that we can leave aside this kind of moments, something that is incomprehensible at all times since life should be a balance between work and family enjoyment.

Here the birthday girl is very happy with her gift as are we all, from the bottom of our hearts may you have many more years and may Bianca continue to bring joy to our family and to our hearts.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.
Note: All images are property of the Author @rbalzan79.