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RE: That's Fact Up

in Reflections2 months ago

Dang man! Excellent parenting! I love how you take the time to actually explain. She made a great choice with the dishes as a result.

And, we have seen how many times that in hindsight, the social platforms got it very wrong, because "fact" was whatever the government decided was fact, and fallacy was anything the government disagreed with.

Why does this not freak the f**k out of everyone?! It does me.

expects that their personal viewpoint on every topic, is respected

if not downright written into law.

No centralised information can be trusted, because there is just too much incentive to skew the message, especially when the algorithms doing the checks and distributing those messages, are designed to maximise profit.



OMG right!
I try at least 1-2 times a day to ask my child (10year old girl and 5 year old girl) who wrote that article/tvshow/post, who paid for it, who benefits and why might they want you to listen.

My big girl is slowly learning that because someone says it is true.... it might not be...

we are not conspiracy theorists here... but i very much am aware that someone PAID for the news that we consume... the question there is why and for what reason.


What makes someone a conspiracy theorist? Is not questioning the narrative a giant step toward conspiracy theory? I get called this whenever I cast doubt on the too-simple stories we are now relentlessly told.

lol... i hear you there. Casting doubt is a sensible thing. Just what i tell my girl to do. Think about the situation. In my mind a conspiracy theorist makes up a fantastical story and believes it fanatically with no evidence.

In my mind a person who i consider a conspiracy theorist, is just someone who hears information, immediately makes up a story behind it and believes their own truth. NOT based on facts.

A sensible person looks at a situation, sees some possible reasons behind it and is open to ideas. makes their own mind based on their own experience and research and doesn't just blindly follow or NOT follow the information.

its totally fine to suggest several reasons behind a situation or fine to suggest how the situation is manipulated, but to take one idea with no evidence and run off on a vendetta would be. :-)

In the end i guess its just a statement?

what are your thoughts?

Anyone can find "evidence" that fits the story they already believe. This evidence is often nothing more than statistics, which is easily manipulated to "show" whatever it is you want to show. Those beliefs are based on "evidence." There are also many who believe what they are told to believe, by a priest or shaman or politician or family member etc. These are beliefs based on faith in an external source. The trick is to be able to recognize, as you are teaching your children, when the evidence might have been tampered with, by whom, and why. I do put my faith in certain entities, trusting that they have done the work, occasionally checking their show notes to see where they got their evidence. If a source does not provide their sources, and those sources are not primary sources, I do not trust their information. It's complicated! Anyone who is obviously biased is not trustworthy imo.

I hear you there.

its good to see there are people that can still think critically and sensibly about situations.


There are a lot of us here. Do you follow deirdyweirdy? She's one of my favorites.

i will have a look. thank you :-)

i will have a look. thank you :-)

Why does this not freak the f**k out of everyone?! It does me.

I have no idea! I think it might, but people who went along with it now don't want to walk back.