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RE: What Makes People Be Like This?

in Reflections5 months ago

Character defects make us like this, it is difficult to reach an understanding and be aware of how much they can make us suffer. The practice of humility is sometimes difficult due to this fact. The reflection you have made is quite interesting, thank you for suggesting it. Do we want to be what we see in many people or is it enough for us not to be? Greetings @erikah


Hello Oscar! You're right, if you're surrounded by a few of them, it can be a nightmare and if you don't speak up, you suffer.

Hello @erikah. Sometimes I think that the size of the sword depends on the fear one has, the bigger the sword, the more fear. Also the gestures and words one maintains are the size of one's ego. What I find most difficult is to balance the scales. Well, at least not by trying.