I have daughters in the same age, you explained well. The shift to right is global now it seems, I hope Trump won't get out of NATO, a strong and safe Europe is tied to a strong US, everything is connected so his America first is OK, as long as its not America only.
In the last five years the world has changed a lot, and not for the better but like you said no society stays the same over time...
Europe changed a lot as well. I saw Brexit, never thought it is possible. There is a physical war going on to the East and many internal social wars. I also worry about local governments over there. Amsterdam is struggling on over tourism and immigration. Barcelona recently thrown water on tourists while protesting unaffordable housing for the locals. I have seen riots in Paris. So all in all it is a difficult times if you consider all these. Yet we must see the best in people and move on.
FYI JD Vance’s wife is Indian. You can’t imagine two more different people when you see their backgrounds. A middle class highly educated family of immigrants meeting with a family of hill billies. That is also happening in the US