"Quit being a tool."
I'm sure I've said that at least 1000 times in my life. To myself when I notice I'm acting like an idiot, and to others when I feel it's a good time for them to stop acting like an idiot.
Where I come from, being a tool is not a good thing, according to slang.
Of course, I understand what you're saying here. I get it, because I'm not a tool.
Or maybe I am. Coming out of silence retirement just to say this seems kind of odd, but whatever.
Lol, hey mate good to see you.
There's plenty of tools, like that chap amirl who has only just copied my text from this post and posted it himself just now. Tool.
"Not the sharpest tool in the shed."
Another common phrase from around here that seems to fit. Stooping to plagiarism?
Sorry to hear you're still being harassed by that one. I'm not around much so don't know what's going on in this corner of the internet anymore. It's too bad his close friends and family won't step in to help. There's got to be someone out there who cares about the guy and can see he needs a bit of guidance. He's been at it for years now? Close to a couple years? Not healthy.
That's the thing about tools though. Sometimes they break. Or maybe dude is a shovel. Sure likes to dig that hole.
Blah. Back for ten seconds and I'm already annoyed with the place lol
Yep, not the sharpest tool in the shed for sure.
I've reported it to Hive Watchers and commented to the post, but I think with someone that is so tortured in the mind it'll have no impact...that's clear by what he/she is posting I guess and the choice made to quite clearly plagiarise.
I get the annoyance you feel, understand I mean, but there's good people here and so I stay around for them. The good thing about that chap is that as long as he/she is posting and commenting I, and others, are downvoting and eventually the reputation score will diminish below zero and no one will see the comments or posts anymore.
I miss the people. It's quiet in my world. And not much point in sharpening the chainsaw when there are no trees to cut. Learned a long time ago there isn't much point to building anything if there's no one around to share the results with. Some of my tools are lost. Some are still in the box. Not getting much done. Hanging in there though, like the rest of the tools in the shed, I guess.
I hope everyone out there and anyone reading this is doing well. No, I won't be posting. Most likely headed right back to the silence.
And yeah dude. A level is also a good tool. Remain focused on what's good in life.
I really miss some of the older folk who used to be around and think about some of them from time to time, yourself included. You know, today June 13th is the day I started here in 2017 so today is the first day of my eighth year. Bonkers huh?
I hope you're hanging in there mate, I mean we all have times when we're out of sorts and all - I feel overworked at my job currently and it's taking a toll - but we can also take some steps to straighten out a little and knowing when to is the key to it...along with doing what's required.
I appreciate you taking the time to engage a little, I know it's not always something that you want to do so I think it's cool you took the time to drop in on me.
It's hard to start when you don't know where to begin, or why to begin. Keeping the blade sharp is easy. Can even be relaxing. It's all about power tools these days though and damn... Can't find the energy source. Batteries are dead. Got no gas. Can't find the extension cord, but I will live at least one more day, so there's that, at least.
Engaging here, or anywhere; not easy for me. I think I've known you for much of that time you mentioned and you always made it clear I was welcome. Makes it a bit easier I guess.
Coming close to nine years here for me. Time to start calling it a decade. Met thousands of great people. Good company. Invested a lot of hours into my work as well, and didn't get anywhere.
Time I'll never get back and people I'll never get to know. But I guess like any tragedy, it's still a good story lol
One day at a time, one foot in front of the other...that's the way it's done.
Yeah, you and I have been in contact for almost all of that time. You know, I recall a conversation we had, I think it was about No-Man or some other fuckassery, and remember exactly where I was when we had it (in my car waiting for an appointment) and I remember thinking, that guy is fucken bonkers in a good way, like me, and that was an awesome conversation. Good times man.
You're a good sort mate, I think it's clear to any who look. I mean, I recall you trying to talk sense into that amirl character (did not damned good though) and you've done the same with others...it smacks of character man, positive character.