New Year Resolution: What are your views?

in Reflections2 months ago


I normally hear people talk about making a list of what they will do at the start of a new year, what not to do, habits to stop and other things to do, but my question in all this is; do people stick to the new year resolutions they set? Looking at my random sample, I realised that many people never stand by the commitments they make for more than a month. But when is the right time to make a resolution?

I have been asking myself this; do you really need to wait for the beginning of the new year to make things right or make a resolution? Were this to be the situation, can the same person be allowed to commit an error and not be able to rectify the situation but have to wait for the following year? In my own opinion, however, the road to improvement toward perfection is not limited to just New Year’s resolutions. Every day has its own part to play in your life and you can get better each day.

If any day you wake up to a resolve to do the right thing, that particular day will be the new day for you. Of course, people usually experience the desire of approaching the new year with a whole list of expectations and plans, but how about fulfilling these? It is not wrong in any ways to have set goals and this should not be made to be predictable with a given time of the year.

One of the things that make people contravene their standards, apart from lack of discipline, is setting unrealistic target. One time a friend of mine told me about a goal that he chose and any sensible person would agree that the goal is nearly impossible and sure enough he failed quickly.

I do advice people to start by setting the bar low and then set it high from there. For example; for someone that wants to stop a particular daily habit (say smoking), advising him for a total and automatic withdrawal of the habit may seem like a mission impossible. It will be easier and more potent to begin the withdrawal process by part (that is; little by little). If he is waiting for new year to make a new year resolution to quit, it may not happen.

Let me tell you this, no matter which new resolution you are setting, do know that you are not superhuman (as some motivational speakers will try to make you think).

Okay I want to hear from y'all: what do you think about new year resolutions? Isn’t it awful to have been in a position whereby you make some resolution and yet it is not fulfilled?

Happy New Year
Thanks for reading