reflection, love and life [ESP-ENG]

in Reflections2 years ago


Navigating in your being, I used to want to delve into your soul, enough to get rid of the pain to which you have been a slave for so long, I could not deny it, it scared me, even so I tried, I tried several times, no matter what flashes of your soul were sharp as knives, I knew what to expect, but I just wanted to heal you, each attempt was more painful than the last, and I could tell that at some point you tried to let me in, it was just an attempt, it really didn't go any further. from just wanting to let myself in, I still remember that at first everything was very warm, it was the most superficial cover, I didn't know what the hell you were hiding, anyway I loved you and I will love you so much, and I would keep trying, because this makes me stronger and stronger , I still hope, one day just to feel that warmth that you keep so strongly, deep down inside of you, I would like to melt that ice, which you say is your true being, I know that it is not so, that you can give much more, that you are more than just that, than everything you could achieve.
Navegando en tu ser, solía querer adentrarme en tu alma, tanto como para sacarte el dolor del cual has sido esclavo tanto tiempo, no lo podría negar, me daba mucho miedo, aún así lo intente, lo intente varias veces, sin importar que los destellos de tu alma eran filosos cómo cuchillos, sabía lo que me esperaba, pero solo quería sanarte, cada intento era más doloroso que el anterior, y podría decir que en algún momento intentaste dejarme entrar, solo fue un intento, realmente no pasó más allá de solo querer dejarme entrar, aún recuerdo que al principio todo era muy cálido, era la cubierta más superficial, no sabía que demonios escondías, de todas formas te quise y te querré tanto, y seguiría intentando, porque esto me hace cada vez más fuerte, aún espero, algún día tan solo sentir esa calidez que guardas con tanta fuerza, en el fondo de ti, quisiera derretir ese hielo, el cual dices que es tu verdadero ser, se que no es así, que puedes dar mucho más, que eres más que solo eso, que todo podrías lograr.

I hope I don't take it for granted, you can be worth too much, and it would be a great shame to lose you, in my soul I still have hope, although I sincerely wish that everything was much easier, faster, of course all people, or rather most like easy things, the truth gives more satisfaction to fight for something and obtain it, it is difficult to accept it, you always have to sacrifice something, even so, I would sacrifice many things to see you smile, to see you be what you always dreamed of, to see you from afar, up close, I would prefer life up close It is a loop of sensations, actions, memories, and attempts, unpredictable, the world is usually quite cruel, that's why little one, you have to be prepared, there is something that you will always want to achieve but it can be very difficult, even almost impossible, but I think that everything is possible, the only impossible thing is to evade death, so I will achieve what I long to achieve, whatever it is, it is very ambitious, but I long for you so much, I want a lot from this life, will there be someone who understands me?, T maybe he's exaggerating.

Espero no darlo por sentado, puedes valer demasiado, y sería una gran pena perderte, en mí alma aún conservo esperanzas, aunque sinceramente quisiera que todo fuera muchísimo más fácil, más rápido, claro todas las personas, o más bien la mayoría les gustan las cosas fáciles, la verdad da más satisfacción luchar por algo y obtenerlo, cuesta aceptarlo siempre hay que sacrificar algo, aún así sacrificaría muchas cosas por verte sonreir, verte ser lo que siempre soñaste, verte de lejos, de cerca, preferiría de cerca la vida es un bucle de sensaciones, acciones, recuerdos, e intentos, impredecible, el mundo suele ser bastante cruel, por eso pequeñ@, hay que estar preparados, hay algo que siempre querrás conseguir pero puede ser muy difícil, incluso casi imposible, pero pienso que todo es posible, lo único imposible es evadir la muerte, así que alcanzaré lo que anhelo alcanzar, sea lo que sea, es muy ambicioso, pero te anhelo tanto, quiero mucho de esta vida, habrá alguien que me entienda?, Tal Vez este exagerando.

At the end of the road, I will only know if I did the right thing, I will only know after trying, with experiences, with experiences, although many things have damaged me before, I would not stop loving, and much less someone like you, this light that I want to follow emanates from you, alone and only with that kind of light I would like to emerge, maybe I spoke about me or about you, I think it's okay if I'm talking about one of the two, I think I want to feel this north pole melt completely and leave What happens to my soul, go ahead my world is yours.

Al final del camino solo sabré si hice lo adecuado, solo sabré después de intentarlo, con las experiencias, con las vivencias, aunque muchas cosas me hayan dañado antes, no dejaría de amar, y a alguien como tú mucho menos, está luz que quiero seguir emana de ti, solo y tan solo con ese tipo de luz quisiera surgir, tal vez hablé de mi o de ti, considero que está bien sí estoy hablando de alguno de los dos, considero que quiero sentir este polo norte derretirse por completo y dejar que pases a mi alma, adelante mi mundo es tuyo.

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If I had to say, I can feel the emotion in your words. It hurts when someone you care for wants something that isn’t good for them.

Still, you express yourself well, even in two languages.

I have had to live somewhat painful experiences but there is always hope, from there these reflections are born

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