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RE: Important things

in Reflections6 months ago

What's important is life, what I do with it, how I design it and create it, and what it means to me and the few around me I love and value, and that's something far more valuable than gold.

You brought out your real valuables in life towards the end of the post. Other stuffs were just like the preambles. And this is the mistake most of us make. They pursue the candies and chocolates, forgetting the real stuffs. Some people are empty inside but like showcasing with flashy deceptions on social media forgetting to add real value tag to their lives.

Listening to you should stir up proper thinking, para venture we could find wisdom to redirect our priorities and run along with the right motivations.

I'm not talking about what might be important at the very moment .... I'm talking about what is important for an overarching (life) perspective

It is a lifetime error when people pursue momentary pleasures at the expense of real life treasures. Though lack of foresight can contribute largely to this coupled with wrong companionship. We should outlined early enough in our life journey what our real goals are and understand the real pillars which life is built upon.

... certain elements I hold as important like honestly, integrity, effort, discipline, ownership, tenacity, generosity...

These are the real stuff. These are the real ingredients for successful living. These would make one's life meaningful and impeccable. I too value such. I believe with them one can rise from nothing to stardom.

Thank you for sharing such a thought like this. You can be sure that someone is adopting the principles imbedded in it. More of such from you. Have a nice day.


Thank you for having a good read of my post and I hope you've gained some valuable thoughts from it that you'll be able to delve into with the view to unpacking a few ideas to move your own life forward more confidently and in better directions that you may currently be moving.