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RE: Reflection: Is There More Quality on Hive Than You Think?

in Reflections2 days ago

I admit, I have often said blogging is dead. But when I say it, I mean it from a we're gonna go mainstream!! kind of way.

I think it has it's niche and is well served here.


Absolutely agree. There's no way we're going mainstream as a blogging platform, but the tools and options available for bloggers here are spectacular, I think. And, there's no reason Hive needs to go mainstream to be a place that bloggers, artists, photographers, and so on can actually earn a living sharing their passion. Even though blogging is a niche, how many thoughtful, genuine bloggers (like @riverflows) are there in the global population? 1 million? Idk, but it's a lot more than the 10,000 Hive users we have; it's a bigger niche than we have so far been able to connect with.

100% It's a fantastic place for all creatives to do their thing and showcase their work. Sometimes I think those that long for mainstream lose sight of it being absolutely fine not going to the moon. Although I would like to see a rise in active numbers but that's another matter!

it being absolutely fine not going to the moon.

Right on!

Even during the boom of 'blogger' (early 2000's?) individual blogging was never mainstream. It tends to get worse as we are forced into ever quicker content like shorts and etc. It's not gonna die anytime soon, but it's indeed a niche thing.

I remember that peak well. In fact that would be when I had a blog and considered it cool 😀😀

It was a hella cool to post about our awesome day as a 14 y/o person in school haha

Haha, if only that were so!! 🤣🤣