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RE: Tools of the trade

in Reflections • 7 months ago

I am still scratching my head trying to figure out how the common whore made her way into the middle of your descriptions..?😳

One of the few times I saw my father speechless when chatting up the young waitresses we would encounter. He always asked them...

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

One young lady fired right back at him...

"A Prostitute!"

I almost peed myself laughing that morning.

Anyways, I got a "SCREW GUN 🔫" Kinda sounds weird after the prostitute comments I know. But I am gonna wear that fucker out. Sooner or later. I keep trying. But that DeWalt is one tough power tool. So screwing on I will go... 🤪

Power Tool Kitty



I put things into my posts to see who's reading properly and what different people trigger on with their comments; I do it a lot actually and mostly it goes unnoticed or is not commented on, but sometimes people notice and I find it amusing or interesting I guess.

DeWalt huh? Now I want to go get me one!

If I recall correctly. You have posted several times of your adventures in screwing..?

Screw drivers, drills and impact drivers...yep, screwed some screws in my day.