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RE: Not meant to last

Great Reply Bro. Made me smile between hacking up a lung. Been home since last Friday. I've been working on the cleanup thru this flu bug bullshit. Heavy on the horse paste. (Ivermectin) that will kick it out of me. Just sucks and slows my roll a little on this property project. 18 hours on the Kubota Wed/Thurs/Friday with a crab claw grapple attachment. Made 9 more piles the size of the Prime. Added to the 20 or so the Forestry department will be coming in to do a controlled burn on late Jan/Feb. Cleanup is now at about 60-70% .

The Prime will not see the highway till next year. Fired it up yesterday and let it run a bit. Updated the ELD logs to show current.

Pond is full for the first time over a christmas break in many years. So there will be a few campfires beside that in the next two weeks along with the annual New Years Eve campfire.👍🔥

Keep the good posts coming bro. I read what I can. Christmas day will be a wet one here so between the ham and potatoes I will do some Hive catching up.

We think of you and yours from time to time. We hope this christmas and new year is good for all of us. We are the good guys. We deserve it.!



The prime is parked up but you're still as busy as a *truck driving krazzy dude. I've got the flu also, been pretty bad actually, fever and all, however at least it wasn't the chinese flu, covid-chan. I'm slowly getting better but it knocked me about due to other health issues you're aware of.

I like the sound of those fires man, piles that bit would be epic, I'm sad I'll miss it. You'll do a post though right? I'd guess you'll get some great flame shots.

How long did it take to screw around with the ELD? Is that complicated? I guess you'll know if you buggered it when things start going haywire in January. Lol.

I'll pass on your best to others of course, and expect you to do the same and Cleo says hi also. She's laying in her spot (everywhere is her spot) with her lizard you sent a while back. Remember that? She still loves it.

Haaaaa... We love us some Cleo.

Live shot at 12:27 am here.

Sammi Jo is Never far from me.

And our noob Blizzard (Smudge) Briggs. Is also my newest stalker.

Sorry bout the quality (low light) television and christmas tree lights only.

ELD driver status update took about 2 minutes. Ok twelve... Ten year Old slow samsung Tab A tablet mounted on dash running Motive Logging App. took ten minutes to boot up.

Good Night bro. 😵😴

Isn't it hilarious, every photo inside a cat-lover's home has at least one cat toy in it! Lol.