Is it a business or a hobby?

in Reflections6 months ago

Why am I writing, to who, what about and what for?

That’s where I am at, again.

Wondering which word will make it out of my head into these letters and which ones I better keep for myself. Who is going to read it anyways? Looks like you are.

But who are you? Do I have to mind what you find interesting? Or do I have to focus on keeping it real? Are these even two separate things?

What if real gets too personal? Should I share it anyways, dare to expose? Or is there a limit, are there things I have to keep to myself?

Which thoughts are relevant enough? Am I following a theme or is it all and nothing? Am I expressing myself or a chosen part of myself?

Sometimes I get bored talking about myself. Sometimes I would rather know who you are, what you think.

Sometimes I wonder if it is a little to daring, expecting you to read my thoughts and words. Why should you?

But then you show up and I love the interactions we have. I adore every reply you give me, there is this wonderful exchange that blossoms up each time.

And then again I wonder, where are all these words going? Out there into a pile of others, lost forever entangled between waves, dots, sentences and gazillions of numbers.

Why all this pressure?

Because I am not sure wether I do this just because I enjoy it, or if I should get this somewhere where I can live off it.

Which of my writing do I truly like?

When I feel a bit on the edge. Like I have just went a little too far, a little too personal. When I write about freedom and cycling. When I write about my experiences, just as they are. When I ask you questions because I genuinely want to know your side on the subject. When I have a theme to write about an idea, a project.

But then again, why should you read it?

Because if you’ll read my words, I want them to be of value to you too. Personally I know the value I get out of writing. It is because I get to frame my thoughts into words, put them down. It clears up my mind and I enjoy the process, a lot. But I am not considering the other side there, you. What do you want to read about?

Why am I writing, to who, what about and what for?

Is this a business or a hobby?

Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely Thursday!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


I find your writing, and particularly the images you share, so inspiring!!! I really appreciate this platform but, to be honest, tend to spend a lot of time on other apps because I am eager to see beautiful images that not so many other HIVErs provide.
In my opinion the fact that you hide aspects of yourself quite intriguing. Personally I am quite curious about the lives of others so, learning little tid-bits about your life is part of the fun of reading your blog posts. Best of luck as you find your way!

😊 Thank you!!
I'll keep that in mind, I guess it is always more exciting to get something little by little, feeling like there is still some more to discover.
Finding my way indeed, therefore me replying took a bit long... Many greetings to you!!🌻

Writing things down, makes me think and reflect a bit easier. Although sometimes I should write down, when things pop up in my head or during an interesting conversation. So many stories to tell and to share. But yes, who reads it? Sometimes I am tired of sharing the details of a certain topic, then I will send a link about the story. I mean, in real I will tell the story, but to quite a lot of people I talk to, I use messaging apps (since I am travelling most of the time).

When I am on the road and surrounded by people I know, I hardly make the time to write. So it can be quiet for weeks. But I do like to write the stories down, share my experiences. Even though hardly anyone really reads the full stories here, it feels good to get the things out of my head and share some nice images. And in some cases, it even comes to new friendships.

Just keep writing ;)

Indeed, who reads it? And if it feels good to write than that is already plenty... (no need for further justifications) Thanks to remind me of that from your side:)

Now I had to take a break off the writing, or publishing the writing should I say. Feels like a lot of things we do are staying healthier when we step back from them from time to time. Have a break, see it in a different angle, or park it in a different spot;)